If you could learn any skill in one day, what would it be?

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I had a roommate who spoke 4 languages fluently and was working on English. Thankfully she knew enough English and i knew enough Spanish to make it work but she'd explain to me how sometimes the words just got jumbled up in her head so she'd accidently say a word or phrase sometimes in like German instead of English or Spanish, I guess it's a blessing and a curse knowing that many languages


I feel like foreign language skills are really undervalued in the workforce, and pretty misunderstood.

I speak 3 foreign languages and each has been a labor of love and necessity to learn and maintain.

The effort and time required to gain a fluent level of speaking and writing in a non-native language can be compared to the work you might put in to getting a doctorate degree. And then the language will need consistent maintenance or you will not be ready to use it at a skillful level when called upon. Even your native language can become less fluent if you don’t maintain it regularly.


Electrical work! I'm 73. I can do simple carpentry, lay tile, finish sheetrock, et al. Would love to be able to fix outets and switches.


It's very true learning other languages isn't stressed enough. I remember in high school when I took Spanish my teacher told us that the best time to learn is as soon as possible. So we should really have other language learning in Elementary. I remember learning colors in Spanish at my preschool but that's about it for my experience.

As for an answer to the question, I'd learn how to draw, and by extension, animate. It's so easy to picture things in my mind, but translating what I'm imagining on paper never comes out well. I'd love to draw and animate scenarios from the many stories that I often write.


Mechanics, just being able to know what’s wrong with my car and fix it myself would save me so much money, time and stress


I love knowing ASL fluently I loved it working with deaf students from all over the country and seeing there faces light up when I said I was hearing and could understand them. A few years ago I taught my daughter choir two songs in sign language I was so amazed with how these young students loved doing it and even some of the ones that were doing the play asked to participate. I only met them maybe twice the teacher recorded and made it available to them for tutorial it wasn't perfect but for how little time I spent with them they did amazing. ASL is a foreign language I can't tell you how many of the students in my first year of it dropped out they couldn't cut it there writing called glossing which is interpreting something from English to signs it's a very detailed hard language to learn and I love the deaf community and I loved working with children so I got a work-study to work at fsdb Florida school for deaf and blind. I went to Flagler because of its location and deaf education program but I wanted to be a psychologist for deaf children. I don't want to discloses to much but let's just say when I looked into my career I think there was maybe 2 psychologist in the state of Florida so it's a much needed thing. I love sign language but life happened and that's not my career but learning other languages is hard if I didn't love it so much I might have lost the skill. I'm not at the skill level I used to be but I'm fluent so I get what your saying it's hard I don't know if I could learn another one at this age but I agree


I would like the skill of following through with what I want to achieve without major stress or self doubt. For example, if I want to write a chapter for a story, I could just do it without holding myself back. If I want to draw, I could do that without obsessing over every minute detail. I find it extremely hard to write anything down or put anything on paper without being forced. Hell, I got my degree in creative writing and I've been too scared to apply it to anything because I don't believe I'm good enough for any position. I'd highly benefit from having the skill of just putting my mind to it without any inner resistance.


100% agree, not just because it is important but I also just love languages its just hard to learn by yourself without someone to spwak it to


As a Foreign Language teacher, Int'l knowledge of culture, politics & history is FAR more important than Language literary. Honestly, in today's world, FL should be used as a motor to understanding/ Knowledge of the greater world MORE than the Language itself.

I teach Mandarin Chinese or 汉语 .


I would like that skill, too! I took ASL in high school, and still remember the basics :))


The magical ability to understand and repeat any language spoken / heard by you


girl i said the exact same thing. I’m currently learning sign language :)


I heard this #1 tip from someone who’s learned 6 languages: the trick to learning a be language quickly is speaking it as much as possible. We all tend to focus on reading and writing the new language first before speaking it (out of a fear of embarrassment😮 over sounding bad, perhaps?) But she stressed that speaking it often is the key! Think you’re brave to risk “sounding bad” in order to learn the language quickly? I bet you are!! ❤


Talking to people without having a panic attack constantly lol 😂


The ability to understand when people aren't angry at me.


I've always struggled with language, but also always been impressed by language. I really wanted to be an interpreter when I was younger but was just not able to connect when I tried to actually learn. Math is the most complex language I mostly understand and even that is iffy.


Languages definitely but trade skills (plumber, electrician, etc.) GREAT question!


For me it would be gumnastics specifically how to do a cartwheel and handstand most of the girls in school know how to do one so i really want to be able to 😢😢😢


The ability to draw/ paint like classical art level. I have so many pictures in my mind and I get so depressed when I can't visually recreate them


Painting, to be a master painter would be everything to me, to be able to paint what’s in my head would my dream. I love paintings
