How The U.S. Is Exporting Obesity | AJ+

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Obesity rates are soaring across the globe. We look into the spread of fast fats and fast food in Asia, Africa and South America, and which corporations are profiting. (Hint: It's not just McDonald's and KFC.)

Presenter and Producer: Shreen Khan
Producer: Omar Duwaji
Senior Producer: Imaeyen Ibanga
Executive Producer: Sarah Nasr
Camera: Brian Joseph
Editors: Brian Joseph & Michael Zipkin

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In India if we ask for a burger as breakfast/lunch/dinner mom/dad are only going to offer slippers..


Why are they acting as if fast foods are only just now moving overseas? They have been overseas for decades. Not just the past decade, the past 2 or 3 decades.


"Well, Nestle went next level with their tactics and hired a boat to float down the Amazon River, selling junk food in remote locations". It's so desperate and perverse it's actually funny...


The Americanization of other countries is just sad.


Am from Africa (kenya)-correction-they are targeting the rich and the (middle class) we now have kfc, pizzahut, dominos etc but guess what only rich people can afford to eat there frequently the rest of us go there as birthday treats and mostly once or twice a month.They also set up their branches in lavish neighborhoods so the poor are not being targeted it is the rich.Where my grandmother lives there is no fast food anywhere on site and the rich have access to youtube so they can search the disadvantages of these fast foods and choose to eat or not to eat.


So why are you buying? I live in US and I don't eat fast food. None. Zero. And I am very healthy for my age. The solution is easy. Don't buy. Period.


Fast food corps are not targeting the poor in developing countries. The fast food restaurants in those countries are actually really nice establishments compared to how they are in the US and the poor can’t afford to eat at those restaurants actually...


This is our revenge for all the "fat American" remarks


The problem with fast food and 'fat food' in general is that it causes addiction on the long run. It's ok to eat fast food sometimes, it just doesn't have to become a habit.


Im so happy i stopped drinking soft drinks was making me super hungry when I did. 2 Litres of water a day works for me now


As someone from the Netherlands I've never been to a kfc before. It's important to educate people about the risks of eating fast food. I go around once a month to mc donalds so it's not like I always eat healthy but I know what the risks are if I eat out often


Yeah.. obesity and overweight people in America are still the majority...Idk where you got the information that we are trying to eat healthy lol


My first time actually realizing how damaging these fast food corporations are for my country, was when I went to a Carls Jr. and they gave me a HUGE cup of soda, I personally don’t drink much of it, so I’m fine with a small size, but it even seemed exaggerating for someone who does drink a lot more, it was just so big, big enough for 3 or 4 people, who needs that much soda?


What the f*** is wrong with this world in the 80s and early 90s Africa was on the verge of starving come 30 years later you complain about them actually eating now?


I just realised that the last can of soda i had was 12 months ago. Whenever i go out i see all kinds of sodas in the market but i hardly even look at them. I feel so proud of myself. Btw i am from India 🇮🇳


As an American that has traveled to other countries I'm always surprised at how many American fast food there are in other countries. I almost feel a bit guilty because it feels we are somehow imposing these bad type of fast food to the people around the world.


Sadly it doesn't work just as well in some asian countries :))) I live in Vietnam and Fast food is pretty expensive compared to healthier options. Plus, vegies are compulsory in every meal, they are cooked in different styles to complement the main dishes, not just dully mixed up like in some salads. Locals rarely go to fast food restaurants, simply beacuse there are cheaper, more delicious and lower in carbs snacks.


Ever since I tasted McDonalds fried chicken I was hooked! It was soooo good! I was eating it practically everyday until I noticed my gut growing fatter and fatter then I said enough :) I still eat it though, just once a week.


i went to china and it seemed like they are more obsessed with fast food than us. The group i was with had fast food for breakfast everyday.


Two years ago I was diagnosed type 2 diabetes but stopped drinking sugary soda and cut down eating fast-food burgers which lowered my A1C to 5.3-5.7 the whole time. My Doctor says if my A1C reaches 7 again I would start taking medication.
