Lubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) with Alternate Installer - Linux review video

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From the Lubuntu website, "Built with Ubuntu Linux base core, rock solid and with thousands of free apps available and virus-free from the safe Software Center. Use all your music, PDFs, documents and files, and share them with other computers and operating systems. Lubuntu is fast, easy-to-use, friendly and energy saving, built with Open Source software with a great supporting community behind."
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Nice review been using Lubuntu for ages now tried lots of distributions and this is the one thats staying...cheers


I'm a huge LXDE/LXQt fan. Peppermint 7 is really awesome with the XFCE Whisker menu on the LXDE panel and some Mint programs like the updater and software center. I didn't like the icons and slightly changed the theme, but besides that it is really awesome. It tries to push towards using online programs vs installed programs. On one hand, if you don't use them then you have to install your own; on the other hand you don't have a bunch of programs installed that you never use. The only thing about LXDE I wasn't crazy about was the menu and using the Whisker menu was a great idea in my opinion.

I wish LXQt was on Bounty Source so I could pitch in a few bucks towards development. I don't think they have too many people specifically working on it which is a shame. Having a modern, lightweight DE with Wayland support would put it ahead of the curve compared to most other lightweight DE's. A lot of work on Qt is being done by the KDE community which can easily be implemented in LXQt.

One of the main reasons I tend to stick with LXDE is the customization. It takes a little getting used to, but once you figure things out and get them the way you like then it is easier to go from a fresh install to a customized desktop than in most other DE's. Getting everything ported to LXQt from LXDE and working out all of the bugs with menus and the control center will make LXQt my go-to DE.


I used to use Lubuntu, I think it's fab! I'm with LMDE lately. But I've started thinking about trying something else again. It would probably be LXDE/Lubuntu. There was always a few bugs but the Community would normally find a fix pretty quickly.


Chris, when is the new podcast coming?


Can you please make a video comparing Lubuntu and Xubuntu? Thanks


I love LXDE and so far not yet a fan of LXQT


what is the difference between the website and the website?


Is LXLE now not the king of lightweight distros anymore?
