How to Overcome Delayed Ejaculation and Enjoy Better Sex

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Feeling frustrated in bed? Does it take you long to ejaculate or you never get there? Watch this video until the end and learn what causes delayed ejaculation and what you can do to treat it.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks for watching!!

00:00 Intro
00:04 Delayed Ejaculation: What can you do about it?
00:17 Definition of Delayed Ejaculation
01:11 Definition of Ejaculation
01:15 Emission
01:28 Expulsion
02:23 What causes delayed ejaculation?
02:40 Psychological issues
03:12 Physiological issues
03:33 Low testosterone
03:56 Congenital abnormalities
04:00 Aging
04:37 How to diagnose delayed ejaculation?
06:33 How do we treat retrograde ejaculation?
07:37 Anejaculation
08:23 Conclusion

Thanks for watching!!

Design by Ben Precup

Rena Malik, MD is a urologist and pelvic surgeon on youtube to educate people about all things urology including erectile dysfunction, how to increase testosterone, problems with sex, premature ejaculation, urinary leakage, or incontinence, overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, prostate issues and more.

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DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. The content of this video is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Use of this information is at your own risk. Rena Malik, M.D. will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.
Рекомендации по теме

I think too much masturbation is a problem too


It's been a lifelong issue for me, all the way back to my earliest sexual encounters as a teen. I attribute it to being desensitized by circumcision.
It's usually faster solo, which can take anywhere from 20min, up to as long as 2 hours, or sometimes not finishing.
With a woman, it typically takes at least an hour, rarely less than that, with it sometimes taking all night, (I've gone 5-6 hours several times) or just not happening at all, due to physical exhaustion and/or soreness. Condoms make it much worse and I rarely ever finish while wearing one.
It has caused problems in my relationships and casual encounters, because women tend to get upset, self-conscious, or insulted that I'm not finishing quickly enough for them, or at all.
I get distracting comments like: "What's wrong?", "OK, you can finish", "OK, finish", "No, really. Finish", "Does it not feel good?", "Can you even feel anything?", "Were you with someone else today?", "Are you just not into me?" etc. which really ruins the mood and makes it even more difficult to finish.
I often dread getting physical altogether, especially with someone new, who doesn't understand.


I wish I had a urologist that had your ability to speak to these issues in a way that doesn't make it seem so taboo. Keep up the great work!


Lifelong issue here too. Sometimes it can be hours and still no finish. I used to love it but now its getting annoying.


A smart beautiful DR that talks about things most doctors don’t we appreciate your knowledge DR R. Malik keep the videos coming no pun intended. Thanks again a few of your videos have helped me out tremendously.


It’s amazing how many women take it personal when a man can’t finish.
1# factor for me is medications.


I've found that if I get desensitized during sex, I just start giving oral or some other foreplay for a few minutes. It allows me to reset and try again. Tends to work pretty well. Sometimes you just get numbed, so you need to remove the stimulation for a few minutes to give yourself a fresh start.


I don’t listen to your posts for any particular interest for me personally. I do listen as you have a great way of explaining things from a medical point of view that is interesting and to a high level of specificity.


I've dealt with this my whole life and I became really frustrated over the last few months as my gf and I like to have sex often and this issue does get in the way of the potential pleasure to be had.

One thing I found through some research that has been really helping hear me out...squeezing your butt. Assuming everything else is ok with you, changing your technique might help.

We use our hips to thrust, but there might not be active glute engagement which is limiting the overall sensation.

Squeezing your butt as you thrust puts pressure on your perineum which is connected to your prostate which is connected to the tip of your 🍆. Squeezing your glutes as you thrust increases sensation in this way. There's additional build up of internal pressure which increases blood flow, which increases sensation, that increases in pleasure, and voila, potentially an easier finish.

If you lay down on your back, and squeeze only your butt, you'll see your hips naturally rise. Treat it like a workout, 3 sets of 15-20 at a medium speed and controlled pace and see how you feel. Focus on your glutes and that general area and you should start sensing a physiological response.

Add this feeling/motion into your thrust and it should help with the overall experience

Sounds weird, but it's helped me

I hope this helps you, thanks for reading


Thank you finally someone talking bout this . Everyone else is tackling the premature ejaculation.


I was having this problem. Which was going along with a reduced libido. Even though my Thyroid level would be in the "normal" range I found that after an increase in the level of hormone replacement the problem has be improved significantly. I have also taken your advise in another one of your videos which was helpful. However, No amount of behavioral or psychological modifications will work when the biology is off.


What about side effects from certain medication?


its good seeing so many guys are going through the same thing (well not good). just feels like im the only one sometimes.


Dang, I've never heard of this. May the guys suffering from this find a resolution.


Hi Doc, love your videos! I had a TURP operation; now I have to deal with retro ejaculation. Can this be repaired?


I’ve always had issues until I get really comfortable with the woman. I just need a sense of comfort and intimacy or it’s just difficult or impossible. Once I feel really compfortable, then no problem.


Im 30 and have had delayed ejaculation since i first had sex 10 years ago. I found with my current partner, the first 3 months we didnt really address the fact it took me over an hour to climax. But after talking about it, through communication and my partner understanding me more sexually, i found i can now climax in about 30-45 minutes which makes life a lot easier now! She has been trying to get me to go speak to a doctor about it but at the same time, i dont want to become a 2 pump chump


could you PLEASE do a video or two on prostate cancer? i had prostatectomy, and have been miserable since. i would not do it again. i would just live with it.


Difficult problem to address, very good information here. Thank you! 😊


I had a prostatectomy so this topic is interesting and brings up many issues including dry ejaculation. You might want to have a video on that topic alone!
