When you call the US Coast Guard - Smarter Every Day 265

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Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery

Intro Art By:

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Warm Regards,

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This is the first video in a series about the US Coast Guard. Here in the US we just kind of know that the Coast Guard always has our back, but we don't really think about how they do what they do. I wanted to get a better understanding for what goes into saving lives, so I'm excited to share this, the first video in a whole series on the Coast Guard. So far I've filmed in Mobile AL, Destin FL, and New Orleans LA. Imagine waking up every day and figuring out how to save people. Incredibly awesome. I hope you will consider subscribing to Smarter Every Day for the upcoming videos in this series. I believe you will find them to be fascinating.

Warm Regards,



Man I remember when Destin was waving chickens around in his house and dropping cats just to see the way they land. Now he's getting exclusive access to nuclear submarines, coast guard command centers and a massive variety of other really cool places. It's insane how far this channel has come!


"There is no way, I could fit it into one episode."
I'm always super happy to hear this line at the beginning of a SmarterEveryDay video!


Hello, Destin. I'm the Division Commander, North Alabama, of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. We have Coast Guard right here! We mostly work on the Tennessee River but also stretch from Florence to Scottsboro and down to Guntersville AL. So, the Coast Guard doesn't only exist on the coast, but also inland and on the Western Rivers. Let me know if you want to know more. Thanks for this video.


When your week gets off to a rubbish start, then you get an alert that Destin has released not just a new video, but started a new series. Perfect verse too, thanks man.


"I'm surprised they didn't teach you that on the sub."
This was such a funny line!


As a veteran of the Coast Guard (OS1 when I left) this is so far the BEST series on the USCG I've seen. It's honest and I don't think any other journalist or show that asked to film us working case ever even bothered to ask what a VS search pattern was or why we were doing anything. Most don't even bother to consider all 11 mission areas! You are doing an amazing job at looking at the cross mission impacts and the humans behind the uniform. I hope this series continues to be this good. Thank you! The USCG is forgotten often and it's great to see such enthusiasm for the only branch that focuses solely to serve our citizens every day.


I like how Destin highlights really important parts of our lives that we don’t necessarily know much about. But I love how he makes much of the people who make those parts work. That’s awesome.


Current Coastie here! Thanks for putting us out there! The Coast Guard does some really amazing things and could always use more good press. I am glad you are enjoying your time with us!


The San Juan island coast guard saved me and my friends from a capsized ship this summer, the coast guard is awesome and needs more appreciation for sure and I'm glad Destin is doing this series!


Hey I work in the command center at Sector! I’ve been a long time subscriber and i gotta say it’s crazy to see one of my favorite youtubers at my place of work. Amazing video by the way, cant wait for the others


I live in a small town fishing village that has a coast guard less than 10 miles from us.. watching them rescue people in the ocean is absolutely unbelievable

Really these people are heroes


My dad lost his battle with cancer on Oct 20, 2021. In his early days he served 8 years in the U.S. Coast Guard as an engineman for the big Coast Guard ships. It was so respectful for the Coast Guard to come out and pay respects to him at his funeral and present the U.S. Flag to my mom. Thank you for this video series.


The incoming call you witnessed in the Command Center is exactly what happens literally thousands of times every day in police, fire/rescue and EMS dispatch centers every single day. In the nearly 30 years of my career in fire/rescue I have learned to appreciate and respect those who work in these centers.


I spent time in a foreign Coastguard and this feels so familiar. It's amazing how similar everything is. Even the way the command centre is structured, even the way the desks are setup is the same. The flag and the uniform may be different but the work is almost the same, evolved to be as efficient as possible in order to save lives.


I love how the Cmd Cnt chief went ‘Kay” while rotating that board. Just struck my funny bone a bit.


This showed how humble and real you are Deston. Your emotion during the call bled through to your viewers. I almost choked up. Thanks for being 100% real.


Navy: We're gonna need to approve every. single. frame.

Coast guard: Imma turn this whiteboard over and it'll be fine.


1. Artwork: amazing
2. Women speaking in this video: heartwarmingly kind and professional
3. Destin: one of my favourite Youtubers


You know I was Army. But I have to say this is fascinating learning about the meat and potatoes of the Cost Guard. Most Military branched don't think about or really count the Coast Guard . This has been eye opening and I wish I had, had more leadership like Cpt. Allen.
