Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Higgs Boson Blues (Official Video) | Reaction

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A very deep and smart man. You either get him, or you don't. You clearly don't. And that's OK. Maybe you shouldn't do any more Nick reactions. Me? I've got every piece of music he ever made over decades, not to mention his books. He has a dark sense of humour which I like. There are a couple of awesome Johnny Cash/Nick Cave duets "I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry" and "Cindy".


I love Nick Cave. One of my favourite karaoke tracks for the longest time was red right hand, and I’ve been advised by the karaoke host that I’m the only person in his entire history of hosting karaoke that is ever sung that song. Lol.


Oh children is another good one by him.


Ah mate, unfortunately this one went over your head. The song isn't in a blues style, but it's blues subject matter. During the section where you said the lyrics lost you Nick is saying the lines: 'In Memphis now in the Lorraine Motel
It's hot, it's hot - that's why they call it the Hot Spot
I'll take a room with a view
Hear a man preaching in a language that's completely new,
And making the hot cots in the flophouse bleed
While the cleaning ladies sob into their mops
And a bellhop hops and bops
A shot rings out'

He's talking about Martin Luther King showing up at the Lorraine Motel to give a speech and being gunned down. Most of the song is juxtaposing imagery of a tired old man in modern times vs his memories of important flashes of times past, holding up the now against the then, and feeling little. He doesn't see much of anything powerful or exceptional now.
All the same, thank you so much for trying the song out my guy. We can't all love everything right?


He's awesome--don't get hung up on the terms BLUES...he more Gothic, art rock-ish. He's very arty--he's not for everyone but those who get his vibe LOVE him. He is also a great writer and has a great artistic vision. The song is tremendous. HE IS NOT TRYING TO BE BLUESY--he's just being Nick Cave.


Also, try The Curse Of Millhaven. Vicious morbid little song.


Nick won't mind the comparison to Johnny Cash. He once said that Johnny Cash Covering his song Mercy Seat was one of the great honours. Tim Curry was Frank'n'Furter in the Rocky Horror Show. I appreciate your honesty. Maybe it comes across differently when you follow him as a fan, in a consistent narrative, so to speak. To me, he is the ultimate Duende, which is related to Blues, so maybe I hear a conglomerate of him in the performance as well. The song for me is about our attitude to the world getting back at us. Higgs Boson is the God Particle, so it is a bit Babel for me. Thank you! I better go and find some more proper Blues for you next!


So much feeling in this song. Maybe it doesn’t need analysis.


I saw Cave + Bad Seeds on the Orpheus tour with the Gospel choir.
Top 3 gigs of my life.


What drives the songs of Nick Cave are the lyrics, what gets you through it and gives it meaning, with the music of course, but the music along the lyric. That' crucial, because nick cave is primarily a poet and a writer (wrote couple of novels, and he is famous for being a Bible freak, haswritten a prologue to an edition of Mark's Gospel. He's pretty knowledgable of it. He doesn't like to call himself a Christian but c'mon, the theme is throughout his catalogue and it's crucial to understand him as an artist I think, his views, etc.
The premise of the song (maybe we realize it at the end) is that the "poetic I" is in his basement, and some kind of dream starts ("I was dirving my car down to Genova, flame trees lying the streets", and then the journey starts), that why there's a lot of fragmented images.


Check out PJ Harvey who occasionally sang with this band.

Nick is a huge Cash fan. So good.

You’re thinking Tim Curtis in Rocky Horror. I think he sounds like Neil Diamond another philosopher singer.

Higgs Boson is reputed to be the God disprover … so this existentialist blues here.


Sorry you couldn’t connect to the song. For me it is one of his best songs. Maybe titling Higgs Boson Blues was a misdirection for you? For me, his delivery reminds me of the delivery of a Southern White Tent Crusade Preacher. Dark and ominous.


Amazing song - my fav ever from Nick. Even as a long time fan it took me a long time to get all the lyrical references, and I'm sure I'm still missing some. Stunning track. This 'reaction' (sadly) does nothing.


One of my favourite Nick Cave's songs, but Nick Cave.


This song will make you cry I guarantee it


shudda gone with the live, always go with the live when its nick


They have an upcoming tour in the States. You must see them live!


Yep. Think the ‘blues’ in the title, as mentioned in previous comments, was something of a misdirection for you. Come back to him in your own time. He’s a unique and unusual artist.


Just cos it has 'blues' in the lyric doesn't mean it has to be a blues song. 'The Classical' by the Fall is not orchestral.


This is not a "blues" song. Doctoral thesis have been written about this song and what it means. You obviously don't get "the Lorraine Motel" reference to the killing of MLK or anything else about it and the meaning of the futility and consequences of human progress
