ALIGN With The UNIVERSE | 396Hz + 639Hz + 963Hz | Pineal Gland & Chakra Healing Frequency Immersion

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Align with the universe, open up to guidance and connect to infinite energy. Open, heal and and balance your root chakra, your heart chakra and your crown chakra, let go of any fear, anxiety, and worries! This specially composed immersive music for meditation and/or sleep combines the healing Solfeggio and chakra frequencies of 396Hz, 639Hz and 963Hz and is here for you to lovingly assist you on your spiritual journey.

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The Solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz is known to help overcome feelings of fear and clear blockages, which usually presents the main obstacle when it comes to reaching our goals and realising our dreams. Another hindrance on our way forward is the permanently recurrent overthinking of problems and worries. The 396 Hz Solfeggio frequency helps overcome uncertainty and liberates from negative beliefs, convictions and thoughts, even on a subconscious level.

639 Hz also is a frequency our Heart Chakra can resonate with. Our Heart Chakra is the fourth Chakra and the center of the seven Chakras with three Chakras below and three Chakras above. It is the center, the area where physical and spiritual meet. Our Heart Chakra stands for the ability to give and receive Love and forgiveness. It is the center of hope, trust, compassion and inspiration. When our Heart Chakra is open, we may feel being deeply connected to the harmonious exchange of energy with our inner self and all that is around us.

Also called the “frequency of Gods”, the 963Hz Solfeggio frequency is a frequency our Crown Chakra can resonate with. It is said to awaken any system to its original, perfect state, as well as to assist in the process of Pineal Gland activation. Its tone helps us return to oneness, to our very source. If you feel disconnected with the rest of the world, the 963 Hz frequency can help complete your awakening with the interconnectedness of the Universe. Listening to the frequency of 963 Hz can also strengthen the sense of community and belonging, or restore it if necessary.

If you enjoy this immersion, you might also resonate with my “STILLNESS WITHIN | Deep Healing 111Hz Immersion”:
If the combination of 963Hz + 639Hz + 963Hz resonates particularly well with you, you may want to check out my “You are the Universe” video:
And if you would like to discover more healing Solfeggio frequencies music, you can find it in this playlist:

For this meditation and sleep music, all instruments have been specifically and carefully tuned to 396 Hz, 639 Hz and 963 Hz. Therefore, the music in this video is an original 396 Hz + 639 Hz + 963 Hz composition and has not been artificially tuned to these frequencies after completion. I am convinced that composing music in the original frequency will lead to better results when it comes to deploying the positive energy and benefits of these particular frequencies.

Feel free to listen to this 396 Hz + 639 Hz + 963 Hz immersive music for meditation and/or sleep with headphones at a moderate level or - if you prefer - just let it flow through open space. As long as it is positive for your body and soul, it will be positive for you.

Love and gratitude 🧡🙏🏼

Note: Do not listen to music emphasizing particular frequencies if you suffer from epilepsy! If you have any concerns or other health issues you are uncertain of, please check with your medical practitioner prior to listening. Please do not listen to the music on this channel whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind! Although this music can help you to relax, meditate and sleep, it is not taking the place of professional medical and/or therapeutic advice and/or treatment.

Music composed and produced by Pierre Ynad
Title: Align with the Universe
Copyright ⓒ 2022 Inner Lotus Music ™. All rights reserved.

We are currently not licensing our music for commercial and/or non-commercial use.

#innerlotusmusic #solfeggiohealingmusic #chakrahealingmusic chakrahealing 396hz + 639hz + 963hz Align with the Universe
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Thank you so much for listening! 🤗
If you enjoy this immersive music, you might also resonate with my “STILLNESS WITHIN | Deep Healing 111Hz Immersion”:
If the combination of 396Hz + 639Hz + 963Hz resonates particularly well with you, you may want to check out my “You are the Universe” video:
And if you would like to discover more healing Solfeggio frequencies music, you can find it in this playlist:
And finally, if you like what I do, subscribe ((🔔)) give it a 👍🏼 and leave a comment 💌 to let me know your impression 😊 Love and gratitude 🧡🙏🏼 - Pierre


Dear stranger, whoever is reading this you are amazing. You're best in the world, and most beautiful person ever born. Don't let what others think about you ruin your peace, believe me, you are incredible. May your all dreams comes true.


I ask the universe that all people who see my message will be happy and fulfilled in their lives 💙🩵💜


If you are reading this among thousands of comments, this message is for you. You deserve to be wealthy and prosperous! Success is coming


To whoever reads this message, I wish you receive everything you want and what you need. I wish you lots of love, health and success, Namaste 🍀💙❤💚💛🌼


I like this frequency very much... I think it boosts creativity and affects your outputs effectively!


To whomever is reading this. Know that the sun will shine and rain will fall. Live this moment. Time will healed all wounds. I wish you peace and joy!


If you come here because you need that little bit of peace, let me tell you please don't give up. You have to keep fighting. That stronger, faster, better you is waiting at the end of whatever battle you're fighting. It's not the end. It's only the beginning. You have to get up. Despite the numerous times you've been slammed into the ground you have to dust yourself off and ask "is that all you got?" Because you're strong. Know it. Own it. Trust me, I know. And if you have to go down, go down fighting with everything you've got. Never stop fighting. Please. I'm sure someday we will meet and show our battle scars and talk about how we made it. Sleep easy tonight. You need to rest.


U will be better than before just believe in yourself and in the believe....


Not only are these some of the most magnificent frequencies I've ever listened to, but the love and compassion embodied in the comments are so beautiful, too.


To be effective, to receive maximum functionality, you must use your headphones, put your ear plugs in.
Breath deeply, exhale long and smoothly. At first focus your mind on the tan tien for several breaths and get centered. Then raise the focus of your awareness to the heart, throat, ajna, or crown chakras. When necessary return your focus onto your breath in tan tien right below the navel. Observe deep diaphragmatic breathing, then play with the chakras, the prana, or visit the entirety of the three worlds and go in peace.
See God in each other.
Honor yourself.
Worship yourself.
Meditate on yourself.
God dwells within you as you.
The heart is the hub of all sacred places.
Go there and roam. 🧡


I just finished meditating with this music. The frequencies took me to practice a forgiveness job. It brought to me (spiritually and mentally) 10 people I needed to clear my energy towards them. To each of them I told them I’m sorry I only saw bad things in you, please forgive me if I judged you or criticized you, thank you for teaching me to see what I need to learn. I love you as I see a master in you and the Creator is in you too. I see it now! it’s all like an orchestra. It’s just sometimes our own mind & ego block our view. Change your seat, maybe move to the balcony and you will see better why you need to see what’s in front of you. Love to you❤


To everyone, to all the beautiful souls here thank you so much i send you all love, the light shines and radiates to you and we all as one connect bless you love and peace


Spirit please help me release with dignity that which is no longer serving the path of healing, love and authenticity. Please help me come to terms with essential truths within myself that guide me, providing clear solutions for my potential to manifest in a beautiful way. Amen


Guten Morgen, Vielen Dank, das Video, dise sonn ist mein favoriten, Villen Villen dank mi 🎶


Readers of this comment...

May I pray that you'll recieve the abundance you long for...

The personal power you wish to tap into...

The truth you've been needing to hear...

The love that you know you deserve...

The foundations for your brighter future...

The creativity you've been desiring to express...

The intuition you understand to obey...

🧿🔮May your future be better than your past as you read this comment in the present, the right now🔮🧿


To all who discover this message: May you discover inner peace, knowing that you are cherished, favored, and shielded in every aspect of your life... Abundance effortlessly and endlessly flows to you when you surrender and allow it.. Your every need is fulfilled, leaving you lacking nothing that serves your highest good, as you are the All in All crystallised in human form as spirit, mind, energy, body and soul, you possess everything. The world opens up to offer you all that you desire and require... You hold significance, you are significant, and you are whole. Your past, mistakes, past traumas, and pain do not define you. You are reborn each day, radiating with light and love. You possess the power of creation as a co-creator with the Creator of the Universe, nurturing new beginnings, ideas, offspring, and your inner being. Your beauty shines brightly, both inside and out.. Your essence is captivating, attracting whoever you need for your journey of rediscovery and spiritual growth. Your appeal is magnetic, and you embrace your body and sexuality as one. You are embraced and loved unconditionally. Be Peace. Be Love. Be


Your light is much needed in this world and I hope you know that you are special and capable of amazing things. I wish you lots of love, health and success on your way 🧘‍♂️❤️💛🪐💙💚🧘‍♂️


I went down for a sleep thinking I would need more than the three hours. I had so many dreams and woke up a little over halfway through feeling refreshed and positive.


😇🧿😇Blessings to all. Harm to none, love has won.😇🧿😇
