Only the Church of Christ Saved? – Mike Mazzalongo |

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In this lesson, Mike explains the history and attitude behind the most asked question for members of the Church of Christ, 'why do you think you're the only ones going to heaven?'

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Praying for Jesus Christ in The Flesh be present as perfect God


"Leaders" in the "Churches of Christ" need our most sincere prayers brethren.


First some of my background. I was a minster in the church of Christ for over twenty years and remember those days of the Crossroads and Boston movement. They were difficult times. I am still a firm believer in the Lord, but am no longer associated with the movement that Barton W. Stone, Walter Scott, Alexander Campbell and Thomas (his father) began. And even though I disagree Biblically with some of what was taught in this video, at the same time, I so appreciate this minster's attitude, speech and heart. I wish I had been surrounded by more ministers like him when I was preaching in the churches of Christ.

It was actually Walter Scott who first came up with the "five point plan of salvation" for the churches of Christ. It began with the 6 step plan, but he narrowed it down to 5 so that one could count the plan down on the 5 fingers of one hand. Some might even call it a good memory and teaching tool.

Just wanted to address a couple of Scriptures that this presenter used that I think were taken out of context and misrepresented. The first was found in Mathew 7:21-23, "“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, ’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’"  

If we consider the context of this passage, earlier in vs. 15, Jesus told His listeners, "Beware of the false prophets..." With that in mind, let's delve into the text. First He is speaking of those who were never saved, for He said, "I never knew you." So, I don't think we have any argument there. Secondly, He mentions that only those who do the will of His Father will enter heaven. If we were to say that the will of the Father was to discover every Biblical command we can and observe each one perfectly, then there would be no hope for anyone, for we all stumble and fall. So is there another passage in a Gospel that also addresses the issue of salvation and the Father's will? Yes, there is. In John 6:40, Jesus says, "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise Him up on the last day." This must be the same day that Jesus talks about in Matthew 7, when He says, "Many will say to Me on that day..." What are these false prophets guilty of? Rather than believing in Jesus as the Son of God for eternal life, they are trusting in their own works to save them. They say, we did this and we did that, etc. As the presenter of this video stated, our works can't save us. These false teachers were merely giving lip service to Jesus, but not really trusting or believing in Him. And on that day of judgment, they don't come relying upon the grace of God to save them, but rather pushing forward all their "wonderful" works hoping that will save them. So this passage is actually about works verses faith in the Son of God. And the group in question are false prophets.

The second passage in question is John 12:48, where Jesus says, "He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has One who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him on the last day." Is Jesus telling these unbelieving men that they need to comply with all the rules in the churches of Christ to be saved? Again, key to our understanding is the context of the passage. Earlier in vs. 44, Jesus told them, "...He who believes in Me, does not believe in Me but in Him who sent Me." Again, this passage is addressing salvation and believing in Jesus as the Son of God unto salvation. Jesus' "sayings, " in this passage are dealing with not only His Sonship and belief in same, but also in giving evidence that even the Father testifies that it's through the Son that salvation is granted unto eternal life. In fact if you read the whole chapter, you'll see that Jesus caused quite a stir announcing that He was the only way to salvation. The "sayings" here were not referring to the 613 commands given in the Bible, but were more specific than that.

Sometimes, in these passages, we paint with too broad a brush without considering the entire context in which it was given. I have found in my walk with the Lord that the context of a passage is so key to our understanding it.

The body of Christ is not confined to one particular brand of Christianity. All those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and respond to this Gospel are saved regardless of the name on a letterhead or plague over a church building. In fact, I'm saddened that there even needs to be some official name for God's family. In the New Testament there were many descriptive names for God's people: "churches of Christ, " "Church of God, " "household of faith, " "the Way, " and so on. I don't think God ever meant for us to use any of these names as an official title for His people. I find that official names just add to the division among His family.

So even though I may take issue with some of the teaching in this video, I do want to reiterate that the presenter showed much love, respect, logic and humanness in his presentation which I so appreciated. And I still have many dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ among the "churches of Christ, " and I appreciate them very much.


Thank you for making the lesson so plain and our resonsibilities of Bible authority


Greeting from Mongolia Church of Christ. Thank you for your great lesson. We need a so good attitute. I should learn so much.


This has been the most honest talk I heard about the churches of Christ.


I was a Leader in the Kip Mckean lead ICC and after along while I found the hurtful mistakes of the church. Now, I'm praying and looking for a church my family can be a part of in Manila.


“Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight” (Isaiah 5:21).


All these talks are wonderful Mike! God Bless!


New Jerusalem is Only where My feet are


I had a somewhat similar story to the one on Letterman's show. One time I was meeting a Russian Orthodox priest and he asked what my church background was. I answered Church of Christ, and his first question was "Instrumental or non-instrumental?" I found that very interesting, how that was the first idea that came up after my answer.


I have been baptised by immersion FOUR times. This is difficult to admit.
I grew up in the Baptist Church. I married a member of the Church of Christ.
The Church of Christ preached that THEY were the only ones going to heaven.
We went to church 3 times a week. It was hard to get the children fed and homework done,
In order to "get to church" on Wednesday night.
Our children are grown, and neither of them are in the Church of Christ.
I am still there, I guess I am afraid to leave. Where would I go?
Your lessons have helped me so much, and I thank you for them!!!


I have been a member of the church of Christ since my childhood but I am now finding it hard to live a happy life . How can someone be happy knowing that everyone you have ever known outside the church will end up in hell. It absolutely breaks my heart to see my children agonizing because they know that their grandparents are going to burn in hell’s fire for all eternity because they are Baptist. I know that I should not feel this way but nevertheless I am really starting to struggle with this.


It will also hopefully help to set many people free if they read...Christ Rescued the Thief's Testimony from the "Church of Christ" by Lee Anne Ferguson, for it reveals what the CoC has been hiding for centuries concerning these crucial issues.


Only the church…is going to heaven. But it does not have to have the name Church of Christ on the sign. It’s a body of people obeying His word.


2 Peter 3:16
as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.


Used to love the church.
Seen too much division contention legalism controversy splits mistreatment of members and ministers lack of love and unchristlikeness.
It's rare to find a effective congregation.
Many are "trying to get Bro/Sis so and so back" to the same old crap.


This is the fundamental problem within the extreme fundamentalist churches of Christ. A lack of knowledge and faith in GRACE.

Here's a conversation that I had with a member of this church.

Me: Where does the Bible say that you earn grace through obedience?

Member: Acts 2:38 that you kinda ignored says baptism is for the remission of sins . Real easy .

Me: Where does the Bible say that you EARN grace? Baptism is a WORKING OF GOD. NOT YOU. How can you EARN SOMETHING that GOD IS DOING? IF GOD IS DOING IT, YOU EARN IT?

Colossians 2:12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him THROUGH THE FAITH IN THE OPERATION OF GOD, who hath raised him from the dead. So, I'm confused. How can GOD being doing it, if YOU are doing it?

This is why your baptism was a WORK OF YOUR FLESH, and NOT the WORKING OF GOD. You instead, thought that YOU COULD EARN GRACE.

THROUGH HIM we have also obtained ACCESS BY FAITH INTO THIS GRACE IN WHICH WE STAND, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:2

But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace. Romans 11:6

So your supposed "faith" in your baptism was in your own work. NOT in CHRIST TO JUSTIFY YOU BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH in the WORKING (OPERATION) OF GOD per Col 2:12. Because of that, your baptism was dead.

You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace" - Galatians 5:4.


Sad that people will always believe the devil hog wash. Jesus made it crystal clear in the old testament book of Mathew 16:18 He would build His one and only Church which began in Acts 2 Acts 2:42 Acts 2-Revelation 22 is the complete new testament of Jesus period John 6:38 John 7:16 verses 2 John 9-11 In that one true Church we are to SPEAK the EXACT SAME THINGS CONCERNING THE NEW COVENANT DOCTRINE OF JESUS 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10 EPHESIANS 2:4-6 there is only ONE CHURCH( BODY) ONE FAITH ACTS 2- REVELATION 22 ONE HOPE PERIOD. Jesus back under the law of Moses in the Old Testament Book of John 4:23 made it Crystal Clear That true Worshipers under the Law of Moses and the New Testament age of Jesus were to Worship GOD in Spirit Either Old Covenant truth Or New Covenant TRUTH depending which Covenant was in force at the time In Hebrews 5:8 the Hebrew writer made it clear about a pattern God had for Israel back under the Law of Moses, and the new covenant is our pattern today Acts 2-Revelation 222 oh and by the way it is not what does the Bible say, but what does the New Covenant or Testament of Jesus say. Acts 2-Revelation 22.The PERFECT NEW TESTAMENT LAW OF LIBERTY. JAMES 1:25 JAMES 2:12 The VERY LAW YOU BETTER ABIDE IN. THE VERY LAW THAT WILL BE CHRISTIANS JUDGE. Time to wake up out there false teachers. No Denomination built by Foolish Man will stand on the day of @t Ephesians 2:19-22 It is so clear Jesus is the Chief Cornerstone of the One Foundation of His one true Church. If You are in a Man Made Church rest assured it is a DEAD CHURCH. Built by the devil and Man. Wake up


It's not the building of people who sit in the church of Christ going to be saved it's the people that obey the word you sound like brain wash l know people that go to church of Christ they are so worldly love worldy music can not wait till church
time over but you are saved right married twice with the first husband still living. to lazy to read the bible
