Skid Row in a rain storm || L.A. River full of water rain storm 2023

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The last couple of days Los Angeles had a rain storm. It’s been raining like crazy. I took the opportunity to go to skate row in downtown Los Angeles. They are many homeless, encampments, and many homeless people just living on the street. It was heartbreaking seeing all the people living on the street while it was raining so hard , I have never seen the LA river filled with so much water. It was amazing to see the best view was from the sixth Street viaduct bridge in downtown Los Angeles. I also recorded many buildings that had lots of graffiti from the outside skid row is not the best area to visit. If you go there just be careful.
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This looks miserable. I was homeless for 2 yrs . It was a scary, hard, and dangerous time. I finally headed inland towards Temecula and found work at a horse training ranch. Im doing fantastic today and do not miss that horrible dirty, uncomfortable way of life.


I was a homeless female teen in LA in the late 80’s for several months before I got clean. It looks different to us than it probably does to you. I never saw the “art”… I was busy surviving and not dying on a daily basis. I remember my first job after I got sober—I had to take 4 buses through downtown and they were building that US Bank building at the time. I don’t remember it being quite that bad but I also don’t miss it down there. No desire to return to downtown area. Stay safe. The people there are unpredictable. Grateful to God and AA that I’ve been clean and sober over 35 years and now helping others. ❤


Whenever I start feeling shitty about my life, I watch one of these videos, and instantly, I’m grateful for my small apartment, in my small town


Rain always makes me happy, love the smell of fresh rain on the ground.


It was fucking freezing today in Switzerland, and I was so relieved when I entered the hot bathtub. We all should be grateful having a home 🙏


Sobering! Times are terrible for so many, now. Mine are not the best of circumstances, but this makes me very grateful for what I do have. Glad to see so many volunteers trying to make a difference for our homeless. ☮️


Thank you Mike for this video, it shows us that we need to be grateful for everything we have. I have been homeless before and its horrible. I take nothing for granted and try to help those in need when possible. You seem like a kind person, i wish i lived near you. I think we could be friends, we are both the same age, with similar interests. Stay safe out there and keep up the good work.


I appreciate you going out and showing real life and your artistic eye and empathy.


The other day I saw a film shot around 1961 of downtown LA. The streets were clean, the neighborhoods were nice, lawns were green and mowed. No garbage, no grafiti, no homelessness. Now, base on your videos, it looks like a third world toilet... Sad.


That’s some very serious photo/video journalism there bro, thank you again for all the great videos and showing us what’s going on, go home take a hot shower, this makes me so thankful and grateful for all the blessings in my life.


Thank you for making these videos. I myself was homeless for 6 months in Washington state back in 2019 and to this day I know many people who are chronically homeless and addicted to drugs. It's an issue that need attention brought to it!


I've seen a lot of the other videos of the homeless situation in America but none moved me like yours. Your willingness to go out into the weather told the story...keep up the good work you are a true artist!


When GIV put the camera inside the razorwire, I realized what a brilliant photographic eye he has! I've been a photo enthusiast for decades & always look for creative ways to look at things - but I wouldn't have thought of doing that. The resulting shot was absolutely brilliant! I hope he does a photo show someday; he must have an amazing portfolio.


Mike thanks for going out in this rain to film what is happening and how the homeless are trying to get through these terrible cold wet windy storms here in L.A. .


Thanks for sacrificing your day in the rain and cold to give us a glimpse of life on the streets in L.A. I appreciate you, man.


Thanks so much GiV for coming out and filming in the pouring rain to show us what it’s like at skid row with everything soaking wet ! It makes us grateful for what we have and have compassion for others that don’t have anything. We appreciate your work!


Wow! That storm was rough on those homeless! 7th and San Pedro were my stomping grounds from when I was 7 to 13 years old! Let me tell you, we would ride our bikes all around skid row and never had any trouble with anyone! Amazing times! That was around 1973 to 1980! Saw a lot of classic TV shows filmed there! Thank you german for the great video!


GIV I was once homeless this video was hard to watch but I have to thank you so much for bringing this to people's attention God bless you and I hope your mother is doing well


Always an experience traveling with you, GIV. Sometimes sad but life as it is. Thank you


It's good you have been getting these much needed rain, trees and wildlife just drinking it up.
