STARFIELD 10 HOURS! Comets, Supernovas, Nebulas, Interstellar Inter-galatic Space Travel!

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Enjoy over 10 hours of space travel thru Galaxies past Comets, Supernovas and Nebulas. Infinite fields of stars fly past as you travel through interstellar space!
Travel through space at hyper light speed…embarking on an endless journey to destinations and star clusters light years across the universe.
Cabin fever? Going stir crazy? Tired of all the endless earth drama and stress? This is the ideal time to leave this planet and the solar system behind…and make a jump into trans lightspeed for an awe inspiring 10 hour journey across far distant galaxies.
Fire up the plasma jets, engage the hyper stellar drive engines, and steer a course on an infinite space journey across the universe, traversing a constant incoming field of stars and distant galaxies.
Enjoy a front row view of space travel and infinitely unfolding constellations and star clusters.
Have a safe journey Interstellar traveler! We’ll see you on the other side, at the intersection of Andromeda and the Milky Way.

Directed and produced by Michael Rohde (aka Milos Kuhlman)
Music by Michael Rohde

If you enjoy this or our other videos please feel free to donate so we can produce more of these type of intergalatic adventures. Donate here:
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To the person who is reading this, I wish you a calm, successful, and healthy life forever 💕


I projected this on to my wall, and through a surround sound system set up in my attic room, sparked a J and simply drifted away, amazing. Thank you.


Whoever took the time to create, edit and upload this, i thank you. It's absolutely amazing! 👍🏻


After over 6 months I still use this as my go-to for Peace in a amazing sleep


Thank you for helping me to relieve all of my stress from my worries about the CORONAVIRUS outbreak and Quarantine with the LOCKDOWNS and other restrictions.


I used to never be able to hear a sound while falling asleep...things have changed since then. It seems my brain can't shut down anymore.
Believe it or not, I used to listen to plane crash videos when I fell asleep.
Now, this is going to sound odd, but I listen to falling rain on a tent (I have always loved camping) It even prevents my dog from wanting to go out to go potty in the middle of the night, if she thinks it's raining...she holds it.
Then, I have this channel open in another window, with the sound turned off, and watch the stars as I fall asleep.
What I love about this channel is, there isn't a bright banner across the screen, asking for subscribers.
I get the best of both worlds.
Thank you...I love the stars.


Yup 2 hours was not enough... Thank you for this update...


In reality.... you could fly through interstellar space for hundreds of thousands of years before you came upon just one of those dots (stars). Space is so huge.... mostly empty.... and everything is unimaginably FAR from each other!! It would take us approximately 81, 000 years to fly to the next nearest star to our Sun.... Proxima Centauri!!! Like this simulation... very relaxing


Subahan Allah, mind blowing, amazing, when I watch this video I have tears in my eyes, this video touch my heart, what a beautiful our universe


Thank you for posting this wonderful video. I live in Puerto Rico on my farm with the river flowing through the middle of my property. When I purchased the farm I built my house on what the soil engineers said was VIRGIN LAND that nothing was built on it before.
I built the house in the shape of a SPACE STATION and I installed windows that was flat screen monitors. I have a Galaxy of stars and planets and nebulas screening around the windows.
My floors undulate with the feeling of traveling through space. When my neighbor's kids come over they get the sensation that they are flying through space.
Your video compliments my home design and adds authenticity to the ILLUSION of traveling through space.
Thank you for posting this video.


Before I realized it, 8 hours whizzed by and I still needed to hear more. This music has miracle properties when applied correctly.


To go boldly where no one has been before . Thank you so much 💜👍


it's amazing someone took this journey and sent us back the pictures, rip brave traveler


The depths of space can be really relaxing to think about. There's always space to start a new path. That would be a cool effect in space time travel animations.


To whoever is reading this, you are loved and wanted. You are strong, you are brave and have a beautiful light within you. As much as you may feel like you can’t go on, like you’re nothing and your existence is full of pain and darkness...NEVER give up!!

Whether it be grief, depression, anxiety, heartbreak or something else YOU are a warrior. You’ve come this far so don’t give up now. The fact you have come so far through your struggle just shows how incredible you are. How courageous and infinitely powerful you are.

No matter how intense the darkness gets, the light within you always takes precedence. Love yourself no matter how hard it is and keep loving others. Look up to the night sky and remember who you are. You are made of stardust, one with the universe. You hold great magic within your soul and you don’t even realise.

I don’t know who needed to hear this but I am sending love, light and good vibes your way. 💜💜💜


I play old "Art Bell COAST TO COAST AM" 'Somewhere in Time' radio broadcasts all night with this imagery at the foot of the bed on my giant flat screen. Trippin' through space w/ Art Bell !!!


I would have to agree I need at least 10 hours to be able to totally enjoy listening to this music as I lay back and relax and go to sleep it helps me with my migraines or when I've had one of my Grand Mal Seizure. To be able to relax and enjoy myself thank you and continue doing your excellent work


I played this in my tv & phone at the same time it was amazing I slept like a baby fantastic dreams. Oh the time difference was like 2 hours between the tv & phone . they sinked like stero it was crazy cool and really helped my PTSD and errase away nightmares. Also is Increadibly when meditating and just those days when you really need to cleanse away the world and just relax. Plus funny thing my Pregant Cat seams to love it. She sleeps like a baby .and loves to see the stars & all on the tv screen . visually it's like falling snow at night super cool. Thank you for the beat relaxing sleep I've had in decades.


This is so magical.. I don't even have words to describe it. 💙


Incredible starfield .. and all night of it! I've always loved the starfield - since the original old Microsoft screensaver came out *eons* ago, lol; it was cool to watch, but so much has changed since then. Here's the perfect example - your comets are awesome, the nebulae and supernovae are gorgeous, and love all the lens flare they generate while going by. Hope you leave it up forever; what a great overnight trip ... the space music is totally perfect; really mesmerizing. Thanks for this great piece of work ... it's very appreciated!
