YeSQL: Battling the NoSQL Hype Cycle with Postgres by Bruce Momjian, Co-Founder of PostgreSQL Dev.

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YeSQL: Battling the NoSQL Hype Cycle with Postgres
Bruce Momjian, Co-Founder of The PostgreSQL Global Development Group

Hosted by Eric David Benari

Relational databases are regularly challenged by new technologies that promise to make SQL obsolete, but the new technologies often fade into obscurity.

This talk explores how new NoSQL technologies are unique, and how existing relational database systems like Postgres are adapting to handle NoSQL workloads.
Bruce Momjian is a co-founder of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group, and has worked on PostgreSQL since 1996 as a committer and community leader.

He is the author of PostgreSQL: Introduction and Concepts, published by Addison-Wesley. Bruce is employed by EnterpriseDB as a Senior Database Architect.
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