Practical Magic: Book vs. Movie

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Let's dissect Practical Magic! Comparing the book and the movie, my favorite passages and some additional goodies.
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I've seen the movie already and am halfway through the audiobook right now. One thing that I appreciate about the book is how we are able to see Sally transform from deeply depressed and non-functioning to such a strong-willed, independent rock for her girls. She makes tough choices and sticks to them out of love for her children. I find this very inspirational. Loved your video, btw!


This is one of the rare occasions when I like the movie more than the book


If Practical Magic is your obsession, I am grateful to you for having it. This video is stellar and thank you for making it so well. We really need more movies and tv series that feature magic, witches and book of shadows. Seriously, how many of us have the ability to recite, verbatum all sorts of passages from Practical Magic, Charmed, Witches of Eastwick, HalloweenTown, Twitches, Witches of East End, Merlin, etc...


I always thought their mother killed herself after the father died and the little girls didn’t understand so they assumed she died of a broken heart. Because Gilly asks “Do you forgive our mother” and I don’t know why she’d need to be forgiven for dying unless it was suicide. Also it just made sense because they showed how much Sally struggled after her husbands death.


One of my all time favourite movies, never gets old! I read the book after seeing the movie, and kinda saw them as two completely different stories, but still enjoyed them both, That being said though, the movie holds a special place for me! I recently read the Rules of Magic and absolutely loved that too, I hear HBO plan on releasing a prequel to Practical magic based on that book. If so i hope it's good!
Awesome video 😊


I finished the book minutes ago, for that reason I found this video, I wanted to see something related to it 😀 I almost always like more the books than the movies, but in this case, as other comments I read here, I liked more the movie, maybe because I saw it a couple of times since Im very young. The thing I most missed in the book was the spell Sallys makes to only fall in love with the perfect boy, being that she thought he didnt exist. I was waiting that to be mentioned in the book until the last page 😯 Also I liked more the relationship between the two sisters and between them and the aunts in the movie. That blood union they made to broke Maria's curse was so emotional, also was expecting that in the book, but there Marias curse don't exist either, so... Also i loved the part when the daughters of Sally throw away the repelent that Gillian made for Gary, love how they realise he was the man that her mother described when she was a kid, all that part of the story is what made me love the movie, and honesty I downloaded the book to read about Sally and Gary romance and Sally'spell, but that is so different in the book, anyway I enjoyed it, but it wasnt was I was expecting after seeing the movie...


I’m so glad there’s someone who’s as obsessed with this movie/book as I am! I have never quite realized that this is a summer book. Like, I’m reading it now and I KNOW it takes place in summer, but the movie has cemented it so much as an autumnal story that it still doesn’t feel summery to me. I love both versions! I think I love the movie slightly more for its sweeping romantic imagery and storylines, but I love how all over the place the book is with its magic — how the neighborhood women are drawn to the lilacs and weep for lost love, how the butter melts in everyone’s houses when Gillian and Ben Frye are desperate to get in each other’s pants, and all the little asides in the book about the cast of characters. And Antonia and Kylie! If there were one thing I wish somehow could’ve been in the movie, it would be their relationship because it’s such a fascinating contrast to Sally and Gillian’s relationship.


I love love LOVED this video. Very great detail. I hope you've been able to pick up the pre-quel "the rules of magic" it's just as stellar and amazing as its predecessor, and I loved it. Hope they make a film of it too


I have read the book a couple of times and watched the movie many, many times and I have to say that I like the movie much more. I think it's because the women of the town comes together to save Gillian and break the curse for the Owens women. One of the things I wanted to point out is that Gary says that the date is March 28 (I think) 1998 when he starts the tape recorder to record Sally's confession in the hotel so I think the timeline of the movie is early spring. He also notes that it's to early for roses when he meets her at the house when she is cutting down the roses. I think it's an error on the movie makers part to say they are going to a "solstice celebration", since should would have been celebrating the spring equinox, which would have been about March 21, and would have lined up nicely with the timeline. Anyway, that would be my addition to your notes if you want. LOVE your cats and your videos, and especially your amazing art!!! Blessed be and have a wonderful spring :)


So... this has always been a favorite of mine. The movie was something I've always adored and I really loved the book as well when I was older and could understand the themes and elements more. Now, this movie and the book hold a special place in my heart because... I'm a practicing Witch and the film and - if memory recalls - the book are the closest I've seen to realistic portrayal of what magic is actually like. The herbs, the intentions, the protections, the specific requirements and needs in order for things to work and for you to be safe while practicing your craft.

Practical Magic just feels like genuine Witchcraft and an accurate portrayal of what most Witches are really like. I will honestly always love this movie. Thanks for the review/compare and contrast.


Loved this video. 💖💖💖 I have yet to read the book but have always loved the movie. Next time I go book shopping I’ll have to pick this one up! I watched/listened to this while I was doodling in my journal earlier and it was really nice, like hanging out with a witchy friend! So thank you for that 😊🔮


As a practicing witch/wiccan I saw the movie first, then read the book. At first I was a little disappointed, at the differences, but later loved them both for those same reasons. And have been an Alice Hoffman fan ever since. I forgot where I read it, but the aunts house is based on an actual one in Sudbury, Massachusetts. I almost forgot, a great video by the way


Thank you! I've been looking for answers on what happened to the woman who did the love spell.


My white siamese is also named Loki and tends to be nosy as well. Wonderful video and the comparisons are wonderful. Considering I reas the book after I actually find that I like both because each is unique in its own way.


I fell in love with the movie as a child so it might be why when I finally read the book, I was not pleased. It was just, it didn’t feel magical at all! At least not as much as the movie. I also had high hopes for the prequel and Alice Huffman forgot her own work! There were a TON of thing she changed from the first book to the prequel. I was super disappointed. I did really enjoy this video. 😊


I LOVE LOVE LOVE your kitty! I laughed so much when he got his close up!


HAHAHAHA The beginning! I love you! Loki is the cutest <3 Anyway, I love SO MUCH THAT YOU DID THIS VIDEO!!! I have always wondered about the differences, and I started comparing them at one point, but then got sidetracked! I to read the book in its entirety once again... the last time I actually read this book completely was back in the early 2000s. However, the movie on the other hand, I pretty much watch every single day. I love to have it on in the background while I'm doing other things. Anyway, you have inspired me to pick the book back up again and look for any other differences :-) I love the pepper your mashed potatoes line in the end quote of the book... definitely did not remember that! It's so funny how the movie changed pointless things around, like the ages and color hair of jilly and the 2 little owens girls. Anyway, I can go on and on about this, I fee like we need to have a discussion about this movie in real time... I'm sure we could talk for hours! anyway, love ya, loving your vids, can't wait for the next one!


Thank you so much for doing this!! I saw the movie first and of course it's my all-time favorite witchy movie.
✨🔮✨ I finally decided I should read the book a few years ago. I started reading it and it was so different than the movie (that's usually the norm I know) I couldn't finish it. 🤦🏻
You nailed it on why the movie is so AMAZING! I got super excited when I saw this pop up in my notifications and couldn't wait to watch it when I had the time. Thanks for another great video, love your channel, and love your art!!💞
Blessed Be🙏🏼🕉


I recently rewatched the movie, as it is one of my absolute favorites and has been since it’s release. I had read the book a very long time ago, and went back to re read some of the finer details. One of which was that it would’ve been impossible for Gillian to drive from Tucson to New England over night, so I wanted to see if it’s specifically said where she starts from, then driving to Massachusetts. The other thing I found strange about this part in the story, in the film is the girls and the aunts don’t even seem to know Gillian has come for a visit. It just struck me as strange that Gillian would drive all that way, stay the night and drive all the way back? But I guess I’m splitting hairs. I love this movie so much! And I’ve always loved the soundtrack, it’s one of my favorites as well


Just finished the 4 Practical magic books loved all the historical information.
