ROS2 OpenCV C++ Node to Read Camera Images from Gazebo with cv_bridge

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I will show you how to integrate OpenCV in your ROS2 subscriber node package to extract camera images from your gazebo simulation using cv_bridge to work with cv::Mat images.

0:00 Introduction
1:05 How To Read Image from Gazebo and Use with OpenCV
1:59 How to Install OpenCV for ROS
3:04 Create Subscriber Node to Read Camera Image from Gazebo
5:18 View Camera Feed from Gazebo using OpenCV and cv_bridge

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Hello Kevin, thank you for providing good content!

I am using open cv for a ball tracker project and I am using the camera feed from my phone and publishing it on to a node in ros2 using open cab functions, the feed is fine.

However when I do any sort of image processing, like if I want to do hue adjustment to detect the ball, the feed becomes all jittery and is very laggy. Is there any way to solve this?

I tried switching the feed to webcam feed and it’s the same issue.
