Алиса Кожикина & theToughBeard — Я не игрушка (SPB.AIF.RU)

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Алиса Кожикина и Дмитрий Родичев (theToughBeard) в пресс-центре «АиФ-Петербург», 6 октября 2016 года.
Композитор: Михаил Чертищев. Автор слов: Кира Малевская.
Composer: Mikhail Chertishchev. Lyrics: Kira Malevskaya.

Alisa Kozhikina is the winner of the show The Voice Kids Russia, the finalist of the New Wave Junior 2012 and the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 / Алиса Кожикина — победитель шоу "Голос Дети", финалист Детской Новой Волны и Детского Евровидения 2014.

Alisa's songs on iTunes and Google Play:
Песни Алисы на iTunes и Google Play :

Social media / Социальные сети:

Дмитрий Родичев / Dmitry Rodichev (theToughBeard):

"I am Not a Toy" lyrics:

I go to a new day, without merging with the crowd
I want everyone here to believe me
I am opening in myself a new world without barriers
I live and breathe the freedom of every moment

I live every moment
You should remember it forever

I am not a toy
Another person to seem is not necessary
I am not a toy
And you should remember it forever
That I am not for you

A lot of new people, a lot of new friends
Here is the fun and laughter, so many fresh ideas
I do not try to turn in the direction of this river
I will stay myself, contrary to most

Contrary to most
You should remember it forever

I am not a toy
Another person to seem is not necessary
I am not a toy
And you should remember it forever
That I am not for you

I waited so long and this day has come
I would like always, that I have enough strength
I hear a voice inside, it gives me an answer
How should I do now, to choose between "yes" or "no"

To choose between "yes" or "no"
To choose between "yes" or "no"
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