Human Detection, Tracking and Segmentation in Surveillance Video

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Final Oral Examination of:
Guang Shu
For the Degree of:
Doctor of Philosophy (Computer Engineering)

This dissertation deals with the means of improving the current state of human detection, tracking and segmentation based on learning scene-specific information in a video. In this approach a DPM human detector is employed to collect detection examples; a support vector machine (SVM) classifier is trained using superpixel-based Bag-of-Words (BoW).
Given robust human detection our approach learns part-based person-specific SVM classifiers which capture articulations of moving human bodies with dynamically changing backgrounds, which handles occlusions in both detection and tracking, Next we separate superpixels corresponding to a human and background by using part-based detection models and minimizing an energy function using Conditional Random Field (CRF). Then the spatio-temporal constraints of the video is leveraged to build tracklet-based Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM), and thte boundaries are smoothed by multi-frame graph optimization.
Finally we developed an efficient real time tracking system, NONA, for high-definition surveillance video. WE implement the system using Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB), which executes video ingestion, tracking and video output in parallel. We employ a Fast Fourier Transform based normalized cross correlation as the core tracking algorithm for efficiency. We also incorporate Adaptive Template scaling and Local Frame Difference.
Рекомендации по теме

Great project! I'm working in a similar project. Is it possible to share the source code? thanks


sir i need help i have some image of just like a atm cctv camera then i want to count number of person in image of data set


Hello, I'm currently trying to implement a computer vision algorithm that can detect multiple humans moving and track their movement. Can you share the source code? Thank you,


can any one help me to implement DPM on java netbeans for human detection
