How to detect outside click in React | React JS

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Hey everyone, In this video we will se how to detect outside click.
This video can be helpful when we try to close a modal or popup on outside click.
In this I have simply checked if the target element where the user is clicking and the modal element both are different, we can perform any necessary actions.
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Akash Ingole
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#react #javascript #detectoutsideclick #reacthooks
This video can be helpful when we try to close a modal or popup on outside click.
In this I have simply checked if the target element where the user is clicking and the modal element both are different, we can perform any necessary actions.
If this video was helpful, give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more such videos. 🔔
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Gradeup Frontend Interview -
Debouncing with React js
Akash Ingole
Would love to Stay Connected with you ❤️
#react #javascript #detectoutsideclick #reacthooks
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