2023/06/14 - A female Northern Cardinal goes after a Black-capped Chickadee that goes for a peanut

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This video had me cracking up. Apparently the Cardinal is under the impression that all peanuts are hers. When the Chickadee lands it is very clear that it is most interested in a quick peanut to go. The two birds exchange glances. When the Chickadee makes a move for a peanut the Cardinal quickly races across the seed catch tray and chases the Chickadee away. She then grabs a peanut for herself and takes off. Thank you for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video. If so, please give it a like and consider subscribing.
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#northerncardinal #blackcappedchickadee #peanuts #glances #makeamove #chases #goafter #birdfeeder #birdwatching #birdwatcher #birdfeedercam #birding #wildlife