IT-140 Introduction to Python 3.2. Fast cars 1 Codio Challenge

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Explanation of Codio Challenge 3. 2. Fast cars 1 Challenge in Python, How to use the or operator.
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GREAT NEWS FOR EVERYONE @ SNHU has officially launched.

The website is designed to help students at SNHU not only with IT140 but with any class you are taking.
I was a student myself at SNHU and I know how difficult it is to find the time to research so many things from so many sites. The site is new and it needs more content but if I get just a little help from the thousands of students who watch my videos each term it won't take long to make SchoolRoomHelp your first stop on any project you are doing at SNHU.

If you're old enough to remember the movie Jerry Mcguire remember this "Please help me help you" I am very hopeful you too will join our community of helping your fellow student meet their desired goals. Who among us can say I never needed help in life? And who among us cares so little they wouldn't help someone striving to improve their situation.

Many thanks to all the students who have registered already in the first 3 days over 50 students have joined.

The site is still being improved with updates and features on a weekly basis and I am always open to suggestions from all of you who use the site.

OK i'm out of breath LOL see you on the site I wish you all the best!!!!
