Brother Samuel shows off his OG discontinued WoW trading card game collection and WoW collection.

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We're in the process of moving, and we came across my old World of Warcraft bin with my trading cards and all my cool World of Warcraft stuff. When I used to be super religious and in a manic state, I hid all my World of Warcraft stuff and gaming stuff from sight, and replaced it with religious stuff, so we came across all this stuff as we were packing after almost 10 years have went by. I wanted to show it all off so people could get to know Brother Samuel better, and what I was into.

My goal is to be a future Catholic Priest of Christianity and the Church that has all this stuff... A Priest of Puerto Rico... A Priest that has the freedom to marry even if he doesn't decide to. I want to be the Priest that is a "parish Priest", where you are married to your Church, married to God, that does the Melchizedek bread and wine symbolism every Mass for the forgiveness of sins, from Genesis 14 the Old Testament.

Melchizedek was an Old Testament Bible character that I physically saw in the real world in my 3 week long psychosis when I survived an incident at school, in 2019, when I was 17 years old, in my 11th grade High School, after my grandpa David said to me "The Lord said unto my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool", so that's the backstory for what made me want to become a Priest of Christianity, because it was the connection I felt with Jesus. A short summary of my testimony. The Messiah prophecy (who Jesus is), starts with "The Lord said unto my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool", and ends with "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: You are a Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek". And it was written by King David about his future Son, the most successful King in the Bible, like my grandfather David said it to me, that triggered my Melchizedek hallucinations after I survived the incident at school. I don't believe I'm the Messiah, or a prophet, and I don't want people to think that. I have no Jewish DNA, I'm just royal blooded and Puerto Rican, royally white to the Netherlands Queen, and half Puerto Rican. I came out looking like Jesus. I have a High School education... That's just my short story for what made me want to become a Priest of Jesus. It was how I felt connected to Jesus...

I'm doing fine now, everything's fine now, with my mentality. I just wasn't doing well in 2019, because I had undiagnosed and untreated bi polar, and was always in a manic happy religious state until I snapped in 2019. My brain was missing a chemical for an extended period of time, just like a diabetic needs insulin or they can die, except it was for the brain instead of an organ. So that's what happened to Brother Samuel. That's the backstory for why I want to become a Priest. I have over 40 different drawings, and a 1000 page book that needs a lot of work still before I can publish it... My book is a masterpiece, and designed like a biblical story, framed the same way. The picture on the thumbnail is who I was before the incident at school, and the long haired me is how I look now. I like posting that old picture of myself as the trademark for my videos, because that is the Brother Samuel I mourn and wish I still had, that didn't die on me from the incident at school in 2019. After it happened the corrupt police officer sided with the kid who did the incident because it was a small town where everybody knows everybody and he was friends with the Father of the kid that did it, and the police officer threatened to throw me in prison, when I wanted to forgive the people from the incident, when I was nearly brain dead from encountering the Melchizedek guy the night before. After my mother was in tears for weeks, talking to everybody in the family about it, thats what he did. The people bullied and harassed me my entire senior year of High School, made everyone target me, made me out as "not being cool", and made no one want to be my friend, and acted like they were the cool "chill" kids that smoked weed. One guy even recorded himself jumping on top of my school lunch table while I sat alone bothering nobody, all because I looked in the guys direction, and the entire lunch room was silenced, and nobody did a damn thing, when I had been physically assaulted in the process, and had a high risk of entering a third psychosis.

And I ended up getting the Corrupted Ashbringer sword on Classic WoW and 4 full T3 sets as my escape, and becoming one of the best Classic WoW players...This game really "supported" or kept me happy, when I was going through the roughest time in my existence with my mental health.

I wanna do a video eventually specifically covering all my religious artwork and Church collection at some point...

- Brother Samuel...
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The beers on the table were my Father's when he was over, not mine... I don't drink or smoke cigarettes... I only 4/20...


Brother Samuel will look like Asmongold in no time. I also have wow cards, I play hearthstone now because no one plays the (physical/irl) card game anymore.
