Medical Transcription Analysis with Machine Learning - Doctor/Patient Conversation Demo

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The medical transcription analysis solution provides automatic transformation of medical audio recordings into formatted documents containing transcribed text and medical terms.

In this demo, you will see how we transcribe a conversation between a medical practitioner and patient using Amazon Transcribe Medical. We are then able to extract and categorize medical terminologies, such as medicine names, procedures, and diseases, using Amazon Comprehend Medical, which can be easily exported or sent to a downstream application.


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Yes, that’s exactly what we do for $99 a month 🎉, automated SOAP notes, ICD-10 codes, Differential diagnosis and clinical plans that include references from the most trusted clinical sources, our users LOVE our clipboard button because they can record from their iphone and instantly copy the clinical plans to their macbooks or ipads.


Doctor: Hello Amy, I'm Dr. Jones. How are you doing today?
Patient: I'm okay, but it hurts when I go to the bathroom when I pee.
Doctor: That's called dysuria, and it's pretty common. When did this start?
Patient: Two days ago.
Doctor: Have you taken anything for it?
Patient: I tried taking Tylenol and drank cranberry juice, but it didn't help.
Doctor: Have you had this before?
Patient: Yes, I had this several years ago before you were my doctor.
Doctor: Do you remember about what year that was?
Patient: I think it was 2018.
Doctor: Okay, how was it treated back then?
Patient: The clinic gave me an antibiotic called Bactrim, and that made it better.
Doctor: Great, is there any chance that you're pregnant?
Patient: I use protection, but there's always a chance, I guess.
Doctor: When was your last menstrual period?
Patient: Three weeks ago.
Doctor: Okay, I think we should check a pregnancy test just to be sure. Have you had any vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, back pain, shortness of breath, blood in your urine, constipation, diarrhea, or skin rashes?
Patient: Yes, I've had abdominal pain down below.
Doctor: Any vaginal discharge, drainage, or painful intercourse?
Patient: No.
Doctor: Okay, do you have any other problems that you'd like me to address?
Patient: No.
Doctor: Okay, I would like to do a simple physical exam and have you give us a urine sample. I will order both pregnancy tests and the urine tests, and we will do that now and determine treatment when we have the results. Does that sound okay to you?
Patient: Okay, thanks.


If only audios were so clear and stutter-free 100% of the times, then there are those accents huh!!! ATB ATW 🤣


Wtheck!? 🤯 this is crazy lol, in the cool way ofc 😅.
