Sony Cyber-shot F828: 21 years later! RETRO review + IR hack!

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Trying out the legendary Sony Cyber-shot F828 from 2003, 21 years after it was launched! Includes magnet hack for infra red photos!

Equipment used for producing my videos

00:00 - Sony F828
06:38 - Sony F828 battery FM50
08:43 - Sony F828 RGBE sensor filter array
10:35 - Sony F828 RAW mode
11:16 - Sony F828 Real color mode
13:12 - Sony F828 nightshot mode
14:13 - Sony F828 infra-red magnet hack
06:57 - Sony F828 sample images

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Trying out the legendary Sony Cyber-shot F828 from 2003, 21 years after it was launched! Includes magnet hack for infra red photos!

Equipment used for producing my videos

00:00 - Sony F828
06:38 - Sony F828 battery FM50
08:43 - Sony F828 RGBE sensor filter array
10:35 - Sony F828 RAW mode
11:16 - Sony F828 Real color mode
13:12 - Sony F828 nightshot mode
14:13 - Sony F828 infra-red magnet hack
06:57 - Sony F828 sample images

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases


Great overview in detail. I love my F828. I sell most of the cameras I try (just to save space, not because I don't like them) but the F828 I've held onto. Great to use normally, IR hack is a sweet bonus. The other thing I like is the pointy starbursts with the lens stopped down! That whole era of 8mp bridge cameras has some great keepers today. I think I've owned all of them at this point!


My job is to clear out dead people’s houses so a bank can sell them, and I found this camera in the house. I’ve been trying to figure it out, and this video was such a help!


Can't wait to see the video about the R1!


Wow, I remebered 640x480 videos looking much nicer! Although I watched them on very different screens :)
Photos look pretty despite somewhat lacking dynamic range - guitars shot blew me away!


Great in-depth video. I just got mine for 60 Euro, including the HVL-F32X flash. It definitely is my most special looking camera and I love the swivel action. APS-C camera's give better quality pictures, but this one is just more fun to use.


2 for the number of minutes I laughed at "memory stick lane" when it finally clicked


Young family growing I went with the 300D as my decision. By the time I'd added an EF 75-300is, a Tamron 2.8 28-75 and Canon DV tape camcorder, I'm sure the shop was glad I did too, lol. It was several years before I needed to upgrade that "mainstay" as a hobbyist only, and the memory chances are once. Nice review of a nice offering.


Loving these retro reviews Gordon! I was there for all of it but only recently have begun to appreciate these cameras that I sold every six months to buy the new model that solved one of the many issues that every camera had a the time, mostly due to technological limitations. Now I am happy with my Canon 5Ds, Sony A7r II, and Olympus E-M1 (plus my film cameras of course ; ) These old cameras are just a nostalgic hobby. PS That full spectrum beach shot reminds me of my families faded 70s prints and hits me in the heart. The B&W IR conversion is fantastic.


Love these video Gordon! So many good cameras forgotten. Pentax MX4 is one of those I wish the design had stayed cameras. Thanks for sharing!


I just happened to acquire one last month, excited to use it in IR mode


Give the man a gong! That has to be about the best retro-camera review video going on YouTube. Bless old Brighton Gordon, but you need to move off the beaches,
into the Llanes and give the Pavilion a showcase occasionally.


I remember wanting the 717, but then got the Rebel when it came out. I also recall Nikon trying something with the sensor CFA as well. They used an CYGM array on the CoolPix 5000, perhaps others as well.


Awesome! These shots look so much better than most current mirrorless cameras IMO. The colors are great and the images have character to them unlike the over-sharpened and sterile looking photos most newer mirrorless digital cameras produce these days. Love the "real color" mode. This would make a nice addition to my bridge camera collection.


Odd solutions and ir hacks created a innovative cameras, but the aps-c sensor dslr came with more advantages including better image quality and more lens options.
Sony deserves a thanks for experimenting with their digital bridge cameras.


I still have mine, it still works, and I miss using it. I sold my loved and first digital camera, Fujifilm S5000 (which I used to beat-out a bunct of Nikon and Canon DSLRs back in 2004 for a calendar contest.)


Good video, I just picked up a 828 from eBay and should get it this coming week. The IR hack is what got me interested. In that era, I had an Olympus E10 and an E20, and they were well-built cameras that produced some nice images.I have been interested in IR for a few years and had a Canon Powershot G12 converted a few years ago but I ended up dropping it, and that broke the LCD and the zoom.


I once bought this camera on Amazon for 750 dollars. And it was a very big achievement.


I did admire these but, as you say, by then I was eagerly waiting for the affordable DSLRs. Still a few years though before the tonality and dynamic range of any digital camera was actually comparable to film. I don't miss those muddy, flat colours and bone-white highlights. At the time even cheap Superia 200 looked so much better.


Amazing video as always! Ive always wanted this model but after two years of searching with no results I've switched to the H series and found a H9 for really cheap on Facebook marketplace. It has a bunch of features similar to the F828 including the nightshot mode and the HAD CCD plus a tilting screen, sadly the full spectrum on this one requires a somewhat permanent modification, as you need to disassemble the whole body to remove a single flat going to the switch on the body XD but I love it nonetheless and would love to see you make a review on the H series.
Thanks you as always for this amazing review and please continue with this series, I love it.
