Netflix's BLACK CLEOPATRA is the BEST IDEA ever! How we got here..

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Netflix does not disappoint with it's latest travesty. How did we get here and what does it mean? #netflix #cleopatra #history #africa #egypt

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Visited Egypt in 2008, loved it.. Egyptians are proud of their history, and the mighty ancient civilization that flourished there long ago. I'm so glad that Jada's nonsense has been slammed by everyone.


They want to reach the point that the Egyptian civilization was black for reasons, and this nonsense was the beginning of feeling the pulse. Being Egyptian does not mean being black. Despite this, there are those who want to reach this point and put it in the minds of the public through a false visual image. Everyone now knows the reason for the anger of the Egyptians. Imagine that someone who has nothing to do with you or your land comes to claim that this land is not yours and that you are a stranger, invader and occupier. And he wants to cut your roots to steal them for himself.


My Greek grandma once said, "No matter what the black woke movement tells you on Netflix,   Cleopatra was NOT black Lol


Thank you for not only shittnig on netflix, but also providing a solution of an actually historical black queen. Many critics argued that there were many, but the fact that you where willing to provide a concrete example is testament to your good faith. Keep doing what you are doing, it's great to hear someone with your perspective speak out.


And worse. Cleopatra was not a warrior. She never led her army in battle.


Besides the fact that Cleopatra was greek she’s not even the best historic person to glorify for black female empowerment or female empowerment as a whole, she was a power hungry whore who sold out her own kingdom and dynasty to the Romans(Roman Men via Julius Caesar & Marcus Antonius)
in an attempt to gain more power and it didn’t even work. She’s kind of a failure and a villainous figure if anything.

Queen Kandake Amanirenas of Kush 40 BC? -10 BC is a much better and more badass choice being actually black and personally leading her armies against the Roman Empire with success. She is a legend. Netflix doesn’t care about true history though.


I can’t wait for the black Abraham Lincoln doc!! That’s going to be so lit


"took time off from dragging Will's cojones" 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Cleopatra was Greek. Anne Bolyen was white, as was Queen Charlotte.


In my college days I went to a African student event with my friend who is a Algerian but looks like he from southern France or from Italy was denied entry because security didn't believe he wasn't African. He got in thanks to other people speaking up for him saying that he was indeed from Algeria. Some people find it hard to believe that they are other skin tones in Africa other than black.


Well they've stuck black people in all the adverts so why not Cleopatra?


Someone needs to sit Netflix down and explain to them - slowly - EXACTLY what a documentary is SUPPOSED to be.

REAL research and evidence.

NOT wishful thinking, delusions and lies.

And while, they're at it, show them a map of Africa, and try to knock it into their heads just how BIG the place is and the different types of people and cultures that live there..

That Netflix Cleopatra series reminded me of, say, a bunch of Moroccans going to the UK, dressing up as Druids, dancing around Stonehenge and pretending they ruled the country. (not trying to be offensive, by the way (except to Netflix for making a false documentary) just trying to give an equivalent example ).

Also, documentaries should NOT be made by morons..

I don't think I'd like them doing one about Queen Amanirenas. They'd probably mangle her story beyond recognition..


They blackwash Cleopatra and the Egyptians. Crazy!


Netflix and Afrocentrics can go sk a dk. Jada can sk 2 dks. They deserve all the backlash for their attempts at rewriting history.


Imagine if they made a documentary about Ho Chi Minh and said that he was black and they get a black guy to play?


As a Egyptian despite the horrible Cleopatra show who again me and my people, I'm not mad at Netflix, but mad at the team and directer who made the movie. i still have Netflix and wonderful show I will never admit they are not worth the payment every month like Arcan, Cyberpunk, Sandman, Spectral, Space force, Inside jobs...
One root apple who not ruin the apple tree fields.


The only thing Will Smith is good at is slapping comedians.


Nice video . Thanks for the video . History is history . This is cultural appropriation at its worst


Cannot wait until next year when Netflix comes out with a black Queen Elizabeth ||.


There are also other African American Youtubers who covered this, and they even said this documentary about Cleopetra being black is a load of BS, and these people who do these shows and all that are just stealing other people's history.
The Little Mermaid is okay to be a black mermaid. There are tales around the world about mermaids including Africa. I done a class in college about fairytales around the world, and found there are similar tales around the world. The first Cinderealla story looked like it came from originated before 1000 AD in China. Since fairytales around the world among cultures? There are a lot of Princessess for all ethnic groups. Now as for Cleopetra? The only known one is the one who is darker white skin Greek/Macedonian woman, and that nobody else can claimed her to be one of theirs.
