GHOST MEME [Danny Phantom AU]

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I'm back! ^^
I made this to celebrate the 19th anniversary of Danny Phantom! ♥

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She is giving what nickelodeon took away 😢❤❤❤❤❤


I don't know anything about Danny Phantom but dang you've really nailed the artstyle of Danny Phantom, it's almost hard to imagine that this was created by one person alone because of how impressive it is :0


This gave me a cool idea for an arc for this show (shame it’s canceled). Imagine Danny somehow gets stuck in ghost mode, or becomes an actual ghost and runs away in the midst of an existential crisis and when his family finds out they’re forced to accept ghosts as people or otherwise condone experimentation on their son.


THE ANIMATION IS HIGH QUALITY! This really looks so canonical. I can't get over the line-art, timing of the animations, lip syncing, and overall generally improved art style. This makes me wish this was an actual spinoff that existed to a similar concept like this while staying true to the original.
Not implying otherwise, but I know everybody will feel differently so I wish to clarify now that I acknowledge that. 💜
One of the best iterations I've ever seen of this animation meme, please be proud!!! ≧w≦


Can I please have more backstory on this AU!? This is so incredibly well made!! Absolutely FANTASTIC job!!


I’m so happy the fandom is still alive 😂❤ Also this looks absolutely amazing ❤️❤️❤️


I love the little detail/callback when the ring flips and shows the name Wes for a second. It just brings me right back to that scene, and Sam’s oblivious little “who the heck is Wes?” when all she had to do was flip the ring over…


petition to turn this au into a full show so that we can binge it 3 times a week for the remaining years of our lives?


This is so good! You capture the show's animation style so well.


I cant stop being amazed that the fandom about half-dead teenager is so alive after so many years, even if the show was canceled. Like, damn, wouldnt it be almost 20 years soon, since the start of the show? And people are still creating all types of new amazing content.

Edited: looked into the description and daaamn, 19 years! I wasnt there, when show was ongoing, but I watched all 3 seasons in one go around 2014, I think? And I am not thinking of quiting this fd anytime soon.


Just by watching, this Au seems like a reboot but takes place later in Danny's life, it may be the art style but everyone looks a bit older. Taking a guess that he and Sam were dating before the accident. So far it seems that this time, Danny's powers were malfunctioning from the very start. Like the Red eyes don't completely mean evil, can still be an option, but it's just his ghost side forcing him to be a legitimate 100% dead ghost while Green is his human half conflicting to stay in a semi-alive state. Unfortunately, our poor boy keeps glitching. If I'm wrong, no worries, this vid is awesome and that's all that truly matters. Thank you for posting it!


OH MY GOD! This animation is amazing!! This is the level I want to reach, it's so inspiring! This is definitely the best Danny Phantom animated meme ever!


dude this looks so cool! you nailed the art style and i really like your designs for the characters too, not to mention how smooth this is, also 1:14 "who is wes?"


Wow, you really captured the drawing style in the same way and it looks even better. The transitions of the animations and stuff are great too. It's good to see Danny Phantom in quality after all these years. Thank you.


No! Don’t give up on Sam, Danny! 😭 This video isn’t even 2 minutes long and I’m already attached to the story. This is so good! Possible part 2? 🥺


Because I didn't read the opening credits, a few moments after the song started I paused it to Google Danny Phantom to see if it had come back and I missed it. This was shockingly spot on! If I had been shown a clip of this with no explanation I would have gone crazy trying to find more


Ok, now I need Nickelodeon to make this their slightly older look, each one is so simple and is true to the original style, I miss this show more then I should😢


Man that's a really good Danny Phantom animation. Danny was my childhood crush lmao


iT’S BEEN 19 YEARS? …funny how a show older than you can mean so much. anyways god damn the artist nailed the art style of the show, and the atmosphere is literally perfect, good for them


Happy 19th Anniversary to Danny Phantom (2004-2023)
