Step by Step How I Reference in my Bible #tips

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Cat, I'm learning so much from your videos. I'm so excited for my Bible reading and studying this year. Thank you for taking the time to share with us.❤❤❤


I just found your channel 😊 and I’m enjoying your vids 💯❤️ loving this vid about the referencing 😄 I just started reading my Bible and still trying to get tips and advice on how to read and learn from the Bible 📖 thank you for your great videos they are very helpful 🙏💯😃


I would love to do this in an interleaved bible and just do all the scriptures per verse lol I'd be writing for ages 😉 just a random thought 💭
Thanks love for sharing


Hello Cat. Just wanted to let you know that I love your videos. I have been applying your techniques and keeping myself on track daily. Today was the first day, I truly heard what God was trying to tell me and it happened to be the last mention in this video about the devotional. When I saw you show the verse in the bible I could not believe my eyes and I now know God is truly guiding me. Thank you sister. God bless you 🙏


Thank you Cat! I never realized how easy using the reference columns in the Bible were or even how to use them. I love your Facebook page, I haven't been journaling or anything lately. I have been having some Breast Cancer related complications, and have been really tired. I am Cancer Free for now, but my Liver has been damaged from serious Health problems (my immune system is attacking my Liver, I have an autoimmune disorder caused by my Cancer treatment).


Sister thank you for sharing and responding to my question you are getting great with that tripod and your videos you are so nice and clear and I love when you zoom in keep the faith keep your ministry kind love you in Christ be encouraged you are so sweet💗


Very nice and very helpful Sis, thank you for sharing. I was thinking on the days you don’t have a reference to go to, just grab another Bible with a different version and write that one out too! As you know, different versions can be so different in the same scripture! I’m so Happy to see how your ministry for our Lord is really taking off! Many Blessings to you Sis as you move forward for Christ! 😍🤗🙏📖📝💞


This was GREAT and SO VERY HELPFUL!!! Thank you!

Another good video on how you do your referencing of Bible verses during study and devotional.


Thank you Cat. I am going to do this in my memory verse journal.


Your handwriting is really beautiful. Mine is like a Doctors prescription, lol. So creative as always. Thank you Cat.


Another very helpful process video sis, and again I felt like I was with you in your kitchen! For those of us without close friends or bible journalling friends nearby, like me, you're a God send sister. I thoroughly enjoyed doing this along with you. I do note that I've been using the ESV for this exercise and it seems there are cross references that differ from the KJV you're using, and I didn't realise that until I saw your Proverbs 13:12 didn't have a cross ref and mine had 2. So, then clearly using a couple of translations as you suggested in the previous video is good to have. When you got to the second cross ref for your Genesis verse, St Matthew 19:5, you went to Mark 10:7. Do you go further with the the references in Mark 10:7 or back to the original list in Genesis? I hope that makes sense. Or just until you think that you understand the meaning of the original verse? Love watching you as you write sis, I love it!!!


Rick warrens how to study the bible will also give you some good references in ways to study his word. Yr he possabilitys are endlass.


I had a question Cat; I really wanted to reference Job 16: 18-22 but I came to verse 20 [12:5]; verse 21 [31:35] and verse 22 is 10:21. . .
They don't have books infront; would it be found in Job?


What is the turquoise Bible and where can I find it what translation is it love your videos I love the way you talk you're beautiful person for Sharing


The first four books are the gospels. In other words its four different or similar accounts of what these men who wrote them saw or heard. So alot of the time 5hey will look very similar.


I swear u need to read word for word from front to back. that way it can be fully understood. I'm reading the word front to back it's hard but I kno I can do it. gluck.


I love your videos and your channel sweet sister. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart for our Lord! ... just wanted to say for your future videos.."Holman" is pronounced "whole-man" rather than "hole a min". Never wrote it our phonetically before but that's kind of cool isn't it? Holman gives us the word of God so in our hearts we can be a "whole man" with the fullness of Christ! Neat! Anyway, thank you for your beautiful ministry ❤


Your understanding of what "cleave" means in the KJV is correct.
