Place Value Hundreds for 2nd Grades | Kids Academy

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Place Value Hundreds | Kids Academy

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Kids Academy Talented and Gifted Program for kids aged 2-10:


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Place Values are a very fundamental concept in mathematics. The number system in our world is quite complex for kids. Therefore, it is essential to teach them the basics of exchange, trading, position, and value of numbers. The teaching of tens ones and hundreds forms the basis for more complex arithmetic problems. At the beginning of 2nd grade, kids are usually given the concept of ones and tens. After a while, they move a step further to place value of hundreds.
Place value can be taught in several ways. But it is important to make the teaching interesting for the kids. One basic strategy of teaching place value hundreds is as follows:
1. Check the Concept of Ones and Tens

Write a 2 digit number on the board or distribute some poker chips or any colored inanimate objects among students (it is better if you use the objects previously used for teaching ones and tens), and ask the students to identify the tens place and ones place in the written number. If you are using objects to teach then ask the kids how they can trade ones for tens.
When you are sure that they know the place values of ones and tens clearly, you can start teaching the place value of a hundred.

2. Write Hundred on the White Board or Give Them the Third Set of Colored Objects

Tell kids how to skip count in the forms of 10, 20, 30…… 90. Once they start skip counting, write a 3 digit number on the board and ask them for its place values. Now tell them how to trade tens for hundreds.
Again it will be helpful to give them the third set of colored objects and label them as value hundreds than ask the kids to trade them for tens.

3. Start Playing and Asking Questions

Now is the right time to start playing games of 3 digit numbers. Ask the kids simple questions of how they will add or subtract the 3 digit numbers. Cement the concept of place value hundreds in their brains using such small games.
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