Τρύπια Καπέλα - Άγριος Χορός Music Video HD

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~Άγριος χορός
Album: Ονειροπαγίδα (+ συλλογή ROCKORAMA)
Μουσική: Τρύπια Καπέλα
Στίχοι: Θεοφάνης Δ
Παραγωγή: Τρύπια Καπέλα

~Τρύπια Καπέλα

~Montage from: Oramunde (1933) A short film from Emlen Etting

Oramunde (1933) ~ A title card tells us this is a study on the theme of Mélisande. A female figure, her face hidden by a long veil, dances, twirls, and runs on the shore. She leaps on rocks along the edge of the sea, her veil wafting behind her. She raises her arms; waves crash. Mist hides the hills. She becomes desolate, moving slowly, pausing to lower her head. She leans against rocks, which have torn the ends of her train; it's tattered. She moves slowly, falling down. She retreats into the mist and then the woods.

Emlen Etting (August 24, 1905 – July 20, 1993) was a painter, sculptor, filmmaker, and member of Philadelphia’s elite Main Line Society. He attended schools in Lausanne, Switzerland, and St. George’s in Newport, Rhode Island. After graduating from Harvard in 1928, he studied with the artist Andre Lhote in Paris. During World War II, Etting served in the psychological warfare division of the Office of War Information. He was present at the liberation of Paris and he collaborated with Orson Welles to record the event.
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