5S PowerPoint

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Five Steps to a better workplace
-The 5 words
-Why 5S?
-A simple question
-Reasons to implement 5S
Step 1 Seiri - Sort
- Remove unnecessary objects
- Waste elimination
Step 2 Seiton - Set in order
- Placement
- Efficient layout and color coding
Step 3 Efficient layout and color coding
- What is our future need of cleanliness?
- Conducting a Shiny -Clean Event
Step 4 Seiketsu -- Standardized cleanup
- How do we follow through?
- Use a planning system
Step 5 Shitsuke -- Sustain
- Introduce a certification program
- Decide on an Audit process
5S Implementation Guide - 6 Steps to implement 5S

You may find the Power Point format more convenient for presentations. Feel free to modify it for your own company.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you! For the moment the presentation is only available at the World Class Manufacturing web site. Regards /Oskar


Thanks for posting this! Very professional! I was looking for a powerpoint presentation to complement all the other items we offer for 5S. Do you sell through industrial supply companies like ours?


thnx a lot for sharing ur knowledge and ur hard work...can u explain in detail step 3, 4 5 just like step 1 and step 2. i will really appreciate ...or if u can give me any other link...


SIR, can you explain VSM current state... in detail especially data or process box eg. c/o, c/t, uptime, yield, OEE, and and bit mre detail of XOXO and FIFO..please


Hi balrambaloo, you may download the full presentation at the World Class Manufactruing web site
