The Unlivability of Postmodernism! #Shorts

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The Unlivability of Postmodernism!
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Amen Dr. Craig!
I keep you and yours in prayer. 🙏


What that was a lot of words to say nothing


Ok, that's not postmodernism that he described. Post modernism does not make you choose to don't use tou're experience of reality. It recognise the inexistence of absolute in a human perspective. This medecine is good because I can experience it as good. Not because it's good outside of our perspective.


The texts on those labels have objective meaning because those words have been demonstrated to be true. Your religious gibberish hasn't been demonstrated to be true.


Texts do have a meaning.
Matthew 5:19-20 says that if you aren't a devout Jew, you aren't getting into heaven.


I guess I could say I’m a postmodernist when it come to medicine. It could be the case that we eventually find out that modern medicine will lead the human race for dependancies on it so that we will suffer serious consequences by not taking and/or will have been a major influence in our evolution, such that we are significantly alter by us mucking with our bodies.
Ironically, this is precisely the kind of “conspiracy theory” kind of fear mondgering that a large swath of Christianity likes to promote. #vaccines


Not just your 5 senses. Some religious claims are not verifiable at all. There is no universal method to verify religion the way you can verify the ingredients of an aspirin for example, that's why it's all up to personal taste


Most people do not live up to their worldview or philosophy, but yeah relativists are utterly inconsistent in their life.


Craig living rent free in atheists heads!


Emotional atheists in the chat. Making noise, yet can't refute anything 😂🤣


MICS. Make-believe Imaginary Character Syndrome.
Here we are in the present. Still, Yahweh has never been demonstrated to exist as a sentient being in reality in real-time.
You understand this is just a belief.
Your God, the one you speak about, exists only in your imagination.
Decades of just talking about it.


This guy is just shouting into a tin cup. He is making no sense.


WLC mis represents post modernism for most of the layman audience... he is disingenuous as he should know better being a philosopher.


1) what about flat earthers and no vax?

2) science isn't an opinion as ethics


Yeah, let's do some reading about objective meaning Bill.
Mark 16:17-18 those who “take up serpents” will remain unharmed.
In the very same passage, the Gospel of Mark’s Jesus tells his disciples that, “if they drink anything deadly it will by no means hurt them.” So go ahead Bill, let's see if you're willing to put your faith to the test. 🐍☣️


In another interview I heard Dr. Craig say something like "most of the culture" remains modernist rather than postmodernist for the same reason posited here, that people are not relativistic when it comes to matters of science, and he pointed out the large number of people saying "trust the science" in regard to Covid. While I'm reluctant to disagree with Dr. Craig about anything, I think I might disagree here, because I'd be willing to bet that many of the same people (not all) who trusted the science regarding Covid do not trust the science regarding the transgender issue. They trust science only insofar as it suits their purposes and political agendas. That is to say that, not just scientific truth, but truth in general, takes a back seat to their power. And putting power over truth is not Modernism, that's Postmodernism.
I could concede that most of the culture may still not be postmodernist, but if it were, let's say 85% modernist and 15% postmodern 15-20 years ago, I think we would have to say that today it has changed to about 60% modernist and 40% postmodern. Moreover, that postmodern minority, obsessed with power as it is, bullies anyone it can so that many of the modernist types remain silent for fear of being cancelled, and the postmodern views control even the executive branch of our government at the moment.
Taking a step back further, while I used numbers that add up to 100%, modernists and postmodernists do not make up the entire population. In fact I bet that most people, if asked, would have difficulty defining either. And if both schools of thought are relativistic regarding religion then it follows that Christianity is not compatible with either term and that Christians make up another segment of the population. The point I'm trying to make here is that, whether modern or postmodern, both are on the side that is in open rebellion against God.


Wow, a point of agreement between WLC and Sam Harris. That may never happen again.


This is a strawman of post-modernism. A post-modern critique of a warning label may note that the instructions might be there to protect my health, protect the producer from litigation and/or promote me using more of their product. I can realise that there is no single objective purpose for the instructions and yet follow them just fine.


Our house of reason is built upon the foundation of absolute truth, I like to say. We need a foundation of what we know is true to compare every new idea to. If two sane people disagree on what the truth is, the can agree that at least one of them is wrong


It's antinomian gnosticism. Good speech. Most ordinary people use relativism only and solely as long as it suits their immediate goals and desires.
