How I study and prepare for online classes 💻✨10 tips

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open me:
I'm back with my 4th back to school video! In this video I go over how I prepare for online classes / how i study for online classes, and give you guys my top 10 tips for online classes / remote learning! I tried to make as many and as broad organization and study tips as possible since I know everyone's situation is different at this time, so hopefully at least a few are helpful! I'm wishing you all the best of luck this semester, and I hope you stay safe and healthy!!

About me:
If you're new, hi, my name's Estella! I'm a college student studying communications & psychology and I post weekly videos! I make stationery and study tips videos based on my own experiences in college, high school, etc. If you ever have any video suggestions or questions leave them in the comments!

social media:
instagram: @estellastudies and @studytosuccess

code: studytosuccess1

stationery links:

I get a small commission from amazon at no cost to you (they're affiliate links), so thanks for your support!

this video is not sponsored or affiliated with anyone!

Song : 샛별 - Go on a trip!
Music provided by 샛별.
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read me:
hey!! are you taking your classes fully online, doing a hybrid with online and physical school, or going to school? I chose to take my classes only online this semester, but I'm curious to see what your school situations are! Also, I tried to make these tips as broad and varied as possible since I know everyone's situation is different, so hopefully at least a few will apply to you and be useful!:) Hope you're all staying safe and healthy <3

okay so now to explain the intro! The real me is the person receiving the text messages (I'm the white texts on the left); the person sending the text messages (the blue texts) and the person writing the whole noooo online classes cryyy on the calendar is Alletse, my alter ego who hates online classes (it's also Estella backwards)! In real life I actually really like online classes so I'm totally fine with taking them this year; "Alletse" is supposed to represent students that just feel overwhelmed with the whole situation or have never taken online classes before. This video is basically a simulation of a game (if you see the title of the game"Online school of internet and zoometry" it's also referencing harry potter, hence the whole magical vibe throughout the video) that gives you tips for online classes. Okay that's all I have to say

p.s. my imaginary owl's name is "hedpig" because I would never dare to copy the amazing harry potter, so hedpig it is ;) it's also a combination of "hedwig" and "pigwidgeon"!


even her handwriting is 'aesthetic'.
I could never~




Can we take a moment to appreciate this girl’s handwriting it’s amazing 😱


This girl is more organized than I’ll ever be, like I wake up at 7 from my alarm and go back to sleep till I accidentally missed my whole class-


The things I was thinking throughout the vid:
-your writing
-your room
-your backyard
-how much time you have for this
-your cute little bro(I was thinking how cute he is like my baby bro)
- your tech
-how much time, effort you put into the notes
-how much your stuff costs
- and why I’m too lazy to do things like you


"Stay in pace"
My teacher: *gives 12 assignments that I need to finish tonight*


She's that one girl who
-Sits next to you
-Write notes so neatly
-anddd always makes your notes look bad ;-;


Tip 1: Make a reference page(for passwords, teacher information like emails or numbers, class schedules for reference)
Tip 2: Be proactive early on(actively reach out to teachers at beginning of semesters and be comfortable asking questions to them)
Tip 3: Get use to tech(emails, zoom)
Tip 4: Make an “online class friendly” study space(quiet place to study if possible, use earplugs, and near by a window is helpful)
Tip 5: Stay on pace(planner, to-do list, study apps)
Tip 6: Pomodoro method + breaks(get fresh air, make healthy snack, read)
Tip 7: Blue light glasses(protect eyes from bright screen and helps w/ tired eyes)
Tip 8: Dress like you normally would(puts you in mood of studying and makes you feel like your in a school-like work space)
Tip 9: Make a general study schedule w/ days off(include family and pet plans, helpful for online classes and it’s more structured, makes your day run more smoothly and efficiently)
Tip 10: Doing things that prevent burnout(send gifts or letters to/text/FaceTime family/friends to feel more connected during these quarantined times, keep a log of online courses, see online school as a game to overcome the negative)


When i heard she wears earplugs so she doesn’t get distracted, I automatically thought of my mom yelling at me from down the stairs, needing to get to my room and scare the sparkles out of me because she’s behind me telling me dinner is ready. And there i am wearing earplugs 😂 🥰


This is how many people miss school when they watch “study to success” but when school starts they want to quit
Update: i started school about three weeks ago, this week i have exams tests and a lot of things. I HATE IT HERE HELP


can we take a moment to appreciate her patience.. I'm soo jealous of her stationery.her handwriting is soooo Neat and cool


1. Make a reference page
2. Be proactive early on
3. Get used to tech
4. Make an “online class friendly” study space
5. Stay on pace
6. Pomodoro method+breaks
7. Blue light glasses
8. Dress like you normally would
9. Make a general study schedule with days off
10. Do things that prevent burnout


How wonderful it is to feel happy when you notify that someone has liked your comment


If this girl doesn’t get an A on her classes, I don’t know who will


she: gets ready to everything within a week
me: wakes 1 hour late for classes


That lake was ✨magical✨ i swear she is living in a fairytale


Let’s all appreciate how nice the calligraphy is.


these people: *aesthetic notes*
me: *laughs in google docs*


me just copying everything she does for school so i can feel aesthetic
