Science Raps: GCSE Biology - Evolution
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This video explains how the mechanism of natural selection allows evolution to take place over millions of years. The Giraffe is used as an example here 👌🏽
The theory of evolution was originally put together by Charles Darwin.
This song uses the best from Bad Boy Chiller Crew's 'BMW'
#science #gcse #exams
#tiktokteacher #biology #teacher #school #rappingteacher #evolution #darwin #survivalofthefittest #naturalselection #giraffe #mockexams #rappingteacher #examquestions #school
The theory of evolution was originally put together by Charles Darwin.
This song uses the best from Bad Boy Chiller Crew's 'BMW'
#science #gcse #exams
#tiktokteacher #biology #teacher #school #rappingteacher #evolution #darwin #survivalofthefittest #naturalselection #giraffe #mockexams #rappingteacher #examquestions #school
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