friends i lost...|Roblox|

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It Doesn't Matter If She is Online Friend..
A Friends is Someone Who Understands
Your Past, Believes In Your Future,
And Accepts You Just The Way You Are..👭
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Their friends: *goes offline for 1-2 days*
Them: *Thinking they died, left and missing*


Me when i got offline fr 3 days:

i still play roblox


I, m do sorry I wish u a better life . I hope that makes u feel better❤❤😊😊


who else just jumped with somebody and friended them when they was younger then literally never played with that person


It’s easy to make friends, but hard to find good ones

Always remember that


If u ever miss a old friend and want them back send them this

I miss you. I miss our sleepovers when we would laugh until our lungs hurt or when we would have our deepest conversations and when we would cry on each others shoulders.

I miss walking into your house and being greeted by your mom and dad. I miss you coming over whenever you wanted and you talking to my mom and you two being close.

I miss talking to you when I needed someone the most. I miss our conversations about boys and spilling all the tea about people at our school.

I hate seeing you everyday and you walking past me like i'm a stranger, all the memories come back to me when I see you. The memories like when we would go to Dunkin’ Donuts to do our homework and when you came over when I was depressed and dragged me out of bed.

I hate that you feel like you have been approved by everyone. I hate that people's opinions matter to you because they don't. I hate that you feel like you need a boy to go on in life. I hate how you hang out with the people that never liked us or that we didn't like because they were rude. I hate not being able to see your smile everyday, I miss my best friend.

It sucks that you don't care anymore. I miss the fact that we would hang out everyday and that everyone wanted to be as close as we were. I miss our adventures that we would go on and the new people we meet. I miss your boldness and how you weren't scared to say what was on your mind. I miss all of our stupid jokes that only we understood. I wish you would have kept your promise when you said we would never drift apart and that we would stay true to our selves, but now you aren’t yourself and it is slowly getting hard to recognize you.

We promised that we would stay best friends but you broke your promise. I miss when we would blast music in your basement and dance around everywhere. I miss going to your dances, I miss when we would spend every holiday together. I know we aren’t close any more but I still feel like I need to tell you everything but I cant because you don’t care anymore.

I miss you being the person I depended on. I miss you a lot. I go through our old photos and all I do is smile, I still think about our old conversations and just laugh because of all the stupid things we said, some memories make me laugh at how stupid we were when were were together, but other memories break me inside because I know we will never be that close again.

I hate when people ask me about you because I don’t know how to reply. I’m upset with myself that I let our friendship get to where it is right now. I hope you know that I will forever be here if you need to talk because I know you still have my number. Even though things have changed I will forever keep my promise.

I hate how we used to be inseparable but now we don’t even talk. But things happen, I will forever watch our videos where we laughed uncontrollably and look at the pictures we took and see how much fun we had.

It hurts when you walk past me as if we didn't stay up until 4 am telling secrets and talking about everything. I miss my other half, I miss my best friend.

I love you to the moon and back.


“A friend is never dead, just watching u from a better place”

- a wise man


Funfact : we Don't lose friends, we find out which ones are real


I feel you.. I actually have also lost many friends on Roblox. The one I miss the most is a girl, well let's call her R. So R and I met in Brookhaven and since that we played/chatted in Roblox almost everyday. We were very close friends. Months ago, R said that she was busy, when she went to the middle school. Since that R was rarely online on Roblox. When she was online, I was rlly happy and always joined her. But now R hasn't been online at all. Idk if she is focusing on real life or smth but if so she probably would had told me.. I noticed that she had been online at least once bc she had changed her avatar and display name but the worst thing was that she had unfriended me.! Well Idk if it was an accident, did she got hacked or once my friend's little sister have played on my friend's phone and she unfriended me. Even if R don't anymore care abt me, she is still a very good friend for me. I miss her sm, I had very good memories with her, you can also see that she is on my first vid! I hope that nothing bad happened to her! ❤

The ones I also miss are, well I don't know/remember their names, but there were two girls, two boys and ofc me. It was a long time ago, but I can still remember how I met them. First I was playing Mm2 with my friend and we had the exactly same avatars. Then there joined like five ppl more to our "Pinkuinu gang" We all had the exactly same avatars (7 ppl) The one of them is the one I miss. So I friended them all that was on our "Pinkuinu gang" also the one I miss rn. The other day I joined him in Mm2. (He was playing with two girls and a boy) He asked if he and his friends could join his priv Mm2 serv. He also asked me too. Ofc I joined them. We played dodge ball, guess the murd and 1v1, it was SO fun! Since that I joined them always when they were playing in a priv Mm2 serv or public. Now Idk why, but we don't play anymore at all (I mean I don't with them, but Idk if they still do bc I think that they knew each others irl) Actually I don't even have friended them anymore on Roblox. Once a long time ago since I didn't play with them, when I still had them friended (Not one bc she had to create a new acc) I joined them or they did me. I was very happy to see them after a long time! It also was the last time I played with them. It alr has been like a year or a bit more.. I hope they're going good rn!

The ones I also, well actually I don't rlly miss them, but it was fun to play Mm2 with them. So I was dressing a Bacon boy in Mm2, just for fun. There was two other boy bacons. They asked me to be friends with them, so I friended them. Then we just played Mm2. Someday, I wasn't a Bacon (I had a girl avatar) I joined my other Bacon friend. Well all the time he thought that I was a boy.. But then he saw me as a girl, first he said "You are a girl!?" When I said yes, he left and unfriended me. That was actually more funny lol. The other Bacon hadn't just been online for a long time.

If I will get more friends, I will make sure that I won't lose them.
I mean we just stopped talking and he probably unfriended me

This girl wasn't never my friend but I will tell y'all the story anyway. So a few months ago I was just playing 1v1 mm2 house in Roblox and there was this girl. She asked if we can 1v1 for any weapon and I thought abt it for a sec and then I said sure. So first to 6 kills will win. I played fairly but she didn't she wall camped and even spam jumped sometimes. Also when I had 5 kills and she had 2 kills and when I got one more she said that I had only 3 kills and she had 5 kills. I was like WhAt, Idk why but I was so dumb and didn't say anything... Ofc she won and I had to give her a weapon. I tried to give her a uncommon knife but then she cancelled the trade and said that iT hAs To Be A lEgEnDaRy Or TwO rArEs! At first she literally said that it can be any weapon.. 🤨 I said that she should had said it at first and she said like oH mY bAd SoRrY😈 And ofc I was again so dumb and gave her two rares🤦🏽‍♀️ Then like a week ago when I accidentally joined her to mm2 she said hi bestiee! I thought that she was talking to someone else but then she come into me and said again hi bestiee! In my mind I was like oh you're talking to me but do I know you? I said hi and are you that girl I gave 2 rares and she said yes. She asked me to do a 1v1 again for a GODLY. Ofc I said no bc it would had been too risky. Then I just unfriended her.



I lost 2 BFF and i felt depressed in 2 days

i liked my own comment bc nobody felt bad


I’m sorry for your lost friends I know how it would be the pain you’re going through but at least you still have friends in real life😞😔😟😕🙁☹️😖😫😩🥺😢😭


"Hey I'll play with you tomorrow?"
*Doesn't come on for 2 years* .


me:unfriends people that i forget

also me:ahh there we go now im not in max friends amymore


that’s rly sad.. I lost a lot of friends too :/

Good for you because almost all of my friends have died 😢😢


Everyone used to be happy, but now nobody likes me and nobody likes me roblox 😔😔😔😔💔💔


I lost my friend too.
But this video is sad😢


ohh omg thats so sad i lost my derest friend in roblox to and i was so sad about it😢😟😞😭


Most of my friends also forgot about me because they found new friends and started playing new games


I actually have a friends on roblox that forgot about me

Edit1:Thanks for 0 likes ☹☹
