Add GIS functions to WebGIS page i.e Zoomin, Zoom to extent, Measure, featureinfo etc. - part2

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This video shows how to develop simple Web GIS application using Geoserver, Openlayers, Geoext and postgis and add GIS functionalities to Web GIS page i.e Zoom in, Zoom Out, Zoom to max extent, Measure, Get feature info etc.
Link for the web GIS application html page:
Develop simple Web GIS application using Geoserver, Openlayers, Geoext and postgis - part1
Link for downloading Openlayers 2.13.1:
Link for downloading GeoExt 2.1.0:
Link for downloading ExtJs 4.2.1:
Link for video showing how to install geoserver with tomcat:
Link for video showing how to Install postgresql with postgis extension and import/export shapefiles from the postgis database
How to Publish shapefiles/raster images using GeoServer
If u face any problem.... please put a comment below......
Later i will upload video extending the application further by adding legend panel to the application and styling the layers using SLD
Link for the web GIS application html page:
Develop simple Web GIS application using Geoserver, Openlayers, Geoext and postgis - part1
Link for downloading Openlayers 2.13.1:
Link for downloading GeoExt 2.1.0:
Link for downloading ExtJs 4.2.1:
Link for video showing how to install geoserver with tomcat:
Link for video showing how to Install postgresql with postgis extension and import/export shapefiles from the postgis database
How to Publish shapefiles/raster images using GeoServer
If u face any problem.... please put a comment below......
Later i will upload video extending the application further by adding legend panel to the application and styling the layers using SLD
Add GIS functions to WebGIS page i.e Zoomin, Zoom to extent, Measure, featureinfo etc. - part2
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