The Rookie | Tim Bradford • Control [+5x07]

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And I'm back with a new show or more like a new man in my life. Oh, TIM BRADFORD WHAT CAN I SAY?! I love my little control freak, people pleaser and selfless man so fucking much!! I started watching the show last month, binged it in 3 weeks and now I'm obsessed with it. I LOVE all the characters but my favorite is Tim of course. And Chenford, do I need to talk about them?!? No because I already started working on a big video of them. So you're welcome 😂 I could talk about Tim for hours but it's 4am so I'm gonna shut up and save it for another time.

I hope you'll love the video.


#TheRookie #Chenford #TimBradford

Twitter: @FabiolaSPN
Song: "Control" by Natalie Taylor

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I LOVE TIM AND I LOVE THIS!! also a perfect choice of song, he's a control freak with everything except for Lucy - she complete teaks away his control!!


Tim is my favorite character in the series (actually I would prefer him to be the lead) because he has quite a complex backstory and we've been able to see a lot of development that gives depth to the character. Also, his relationship with Lucy is the best. So glad another talented editor is obsessed with them THANKS!


Lucy sees and understands him 🥺and she doesn’t judge him for anything and that right there is why he’s falling for her even though he doesn’t want to admit it


The hiatus sucks and the slowburn is real. But it's so GOOOD! Their actions make sense according their personalities. This was a beautiful tribute to Tim, can't wait to see more of him and Lucy in December.


This is beautiful I think it really displays how he is as a person and how his relationship both platonic and romantic with Lucy really broke him down and made him realise it is ok to not be in control all the time and sometimes there are things you cannot control but that doesn’t mean that they are bad.


Oh no no no this actually made me emotional. I adore Tim and this is just perfect. Lucy is Tim’s safe place to land and you captured that so beautifully ❤


I love Tim Bradford. He is my favorite character of The Rookie. I only watch the series because of him.


I love those few times when Tim is gobsmacked!


The Rookie | Tim Bradford, but it's only Chenford lol love this


Oh my gosh the last line with the shot of Tim was so good!! The parallels😭


One of my favorites edits of Tim and how well Lucy knows him. Great job! I can't stop watching it it's so good.


Wonderful compilation, gave me goosebumps all over!💞 Can’t wait to see what’s in store for them🙌🏽


This was so well done. The sequence, the music. Everything. Thank you!
I hate when this show is off air because of Chenford. This helps!


I think when lucy commented about the tim tests after genny told the story about 7 yr old tim being dropped at the park with a compass, he felt destroyed, like does she think im like him bc of the tests, thats why during one of their key moments as i call them....hes like those dont make me like him, he 100% cannot live with her seeing him as he sees his dad, a monster, other commenters are 100% right Tim needed lucy to reassure him that he is not a monster also i think secretly tim needed that hug after talking to his dad, bc he was always anti pda for the most part like when lucy hugged Abigail after the events of day of death and he told her she was going soft by hugging ppl in uniform


What a beautiful disaster those two are going too be


I LOVED that u did a video of just Tim! Sumone else said perfect song choice. Totally agree. But what I love & thot u did so BRILLIANTLY & BEAUTIFULLY is u show how complex & multi-dimensional Tim really is!. (Sum videos depict Tim as just this hard ass in Season 1 & then slowly changes) But 2 me, in season 1 u c how complex he is pretty fast. He maybe the most complex character of all of them?! Man, I'd love 2c u do a video on Lucy. U hve actually in a sense in 1 video, we c that both Tim but Lucy also is a control freak in her own way. Her struggle is much more subtle & understated. It took me 2c the scene & the ep. of Jackson telling Lucy, he knew abt her & Nolan's rel'ship all along & when he says, "U fell 4 a divorced guy just coming out of a 20 yr marriage b/c it was safe & not gonna last" I'd never seen that ep. til sum1 told me J knew abt their rel'ship & which ep. NOT til season 2. I bought it off of YT cuz I wz shocked & clearly missed it.. Lucy's control comes out the most in the last 2 episodes. In the end, I do think she needed Tim to take the leap b/c by her answer, she didn't think it wz worth the risk. Lucy, certain things in her remind me of myself. (However I definitely can't BUT wish I could kick ass like any of the women!!) But she's insightful & understands things psychologically & sumtimes b4 the others. The most obvious 2 me, is when they're trying 2 figure out why La Fiera would've gone thru the trouble of taking Lopez 2 Guatemala & why she'd keep Lopez alive. Lucy is the 1 who says, the "baby." That they bonded over motherhood & losing Diego would've devastated La Fiera. After Diego was killed, even Harper said, "he wz what kept her humanity." The scene after they arrested La Fiera, Lopez tells her that she is the 1 who is ultimately responsible 4 the death of her son. Lucy says, "She would've felt the most betrayed by Lopez & the ultimate revenge 4 La Fiera would be 2 take Lopez's baby." Tim knew she wz smart as the 3 r questioned abt the $$$ that wz stolen. Tim says, "It couldn't be Lucy, b/c she would've done it a better way 2 not get caught." Bishop says, "It sounds like u're proud of her " Tim replies, "All I'm saying is she's smarter than them." BUT it can also b what Lucy hides behind 2 protect her. When Harper wz trying 2 help Lucy after drugged & abducted, suddenly she says she's fine & rattles off all the therapy techniques she's gone thru. But Harper isn't buying it. BUT...I still understand why in Vegas she wz only partially being honest. Even Nolan had 2 tell her why she wz being so picky abt Jackson's room & paint color & says 2 her, "Lucy u're the most insiteful person I know. U've got 2c what's really going on here? Until u let Tamara know its ok 2 move on, she'll never feel like she belongs." Our greatest strengths are always also our greatest weaknesses.


I'm new to this fandom too. Love Tim, great video


This is a beautiful video 💕 I wish these next two weeks would be over already😩


This is absolutely bloody amazing. Amazing. Wonderful work, gorgeous edit, perfect song and images and quotes and cuts. Fantastic!!


that's is so amazing and incredible and i absolutely love it ❤❤❤❤❤
