Php Classes (Object Oriented Php 2021)
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Object Oriented Php Lesson 1
Php Classes and Accessors/Modifiers
- Within object oriented Php, classes are generally understood as blueprints, structures,
or templates used to model either the real world or software specific concepts.
~ What makes Object Oriented Php Classes similar to blueprints?
~ How does finding nouns help us make Php Classes?
~ What are Php class properties?
~ How do you define Php class properties?
~ What is Php class behavior?
~ How do you define Php class behavior?
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#ObjectOrientedPhp #PhpClasses #ObjectOrientedProgramming
Php Classes and Accessors/Modifiers
- Within object oriented Php, classes are generally understood as blueprints, structures,
or templates used to model either the real world or software specific concepts.
~ What makes Object Oriented Php Classes similar to blueprints?
~ How does finding nouns help us make Php Classes?
~ What are Php class properties?
~ How do you define Php class properties?
~ What is Php class behavior?
~ How do you define Php class behavior?
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#ObjectOrientedPhp #PhpClasses #ObjectOrientedProgramming
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9: Load Classes Automatically In OOP PHP | Object Oriented PHP Tutorial | PHP Tutorial | mmtuts