Instrumental Praise and Worship - Top Worship Songs!

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3 Hours of powerful worship songs played on acoustic guitar. Listen to this playlist as you go about your day and be reminded of the Goodness of God! Instrumental worship music that's ideal for Bible study, prayer time, mediation on the Word as well as rest and work times. May the God of all comfort bring you peace as you seek His holy face.

If you are new to my channel, my name is Josh Snodgrass and I'm the guy playing the guitar. I present this music as a form of worship with the hope that you will be encouraged to go deeper in your walk with God. Jesus Christ is the Messiah who came to offer the world the hope of forgiveness for our sins and new life in him. He's the Son of God and he came to earth and took on human flesh, living as one of us. He didn't sin at all, and He is completely perfect. Because of His perfection, He was worthy to give His life on the cross as a sacrifice for the rest of us who have fallen short. He rose again in victory over sin and death and came back to life on the 3rd day. When we repent from our sins and turn to follow Jesus as Lord and Savior in faith, we will be completely forgiven by God for all of our sins. He offers us a complete pardon, trading his record for ours. He takes our sin and offers us His righteousness. Place your faith in Jesus and follow Him as He directs you through the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

0:00:00 The Goodness of God
0:03:31 Who You Say I Am
0:05:50 Great are You Lord
0:09:44 No Longer Slaves
0:13:36 I Speak Jesus
0:17:44 Run to the Father
0:21:38 Jesus Paid it All
0:24:39 What a Beautiful Name it Is
0:27:51 Agnus Dei
0:31:26 I Lift My Hands
0:34:24 The Blessing
0:38:13 The Revelation Song
0:42:08 Open the Eyes of My Heart
0:45:29 Jesus Messiah
0:49:42 Hosanna
0:53:17 Amazing Grace
0:56:16 Indescribable
0:59:20 Our God
1:02:30 10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
1:05:53 Here I am to Worship
1:08:50 O Come to the Altar
1:13:46 You are My All in All
1:17:27 How Great is Our God
1:20:23 I Will Rise
1:24:35 Enough
1:27:15 Lord, I Need You
1:31:13 Mighty to Save
1:35:40 The Heart of Worship
1:39:12 Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
1:42:28 Sanctuary
1:45:52 The Goodness of God
1:48:47 Who You Say I Am
1:51:42 Great are You Lord
1:55:37 No Longer Slaves
1:59:29 I Speak Jesus
2:03:36 Run to the Father
2:07:30 Jesus Paid it All
2:10:32 What a Beautiful Name it Is
2:13:44 Agnus Dei
2:17:19 I Lift My Hands
2:20:16 The Blessing
2:24:06 The Revelation Song
2:28:00 Open the Eyes of My Heart
2:31:22 Jesus Messiah
2:35:34 Hosanna
2:39:10 Amazing Grace
2:42:08 Indescribable
2:45:12 Our God
2:48:23 10000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
2:51:45 Here I am to Worship
2:54:42 O Come to the Altar
2:59:38 You are My All in All
3:03:20 How Great is Our God
3:06:16 I Will Rise
3:10:28 Enough
3:13:08 Lord, I Need You
3:17:05 Mighty to Save
3:21:32 The Heart of Worship
3:25:05 Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
3:28:21 Sanctuary

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I play this while rocking my 3-month-old granddaughter, and it always calms her right down and she settles into a peaceful sleep. I will sing along sometimes, and she’ll stare into my face. I can’t help but pray over her and praise God. Thank you for sharing your God-given talent for His glory and our pleasure!


Whoever reading this, I pray that God visit your home with healing, blessings and miracles. Amen.


I'm a Chiropractor and I play this in my office. I love it when a patient says, 'this song is so familiar, where is it from?"


John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life!”


When I was little and couldn't sleep, my dad would come sit by my bed and play his guitar. Sometimes when I'm sleepless, I'll put in my AirPods and play this music and imagine my father sitting beside me playing me to sleep. Thank you for your beautiful music.


Me gusta mucho escucharlo en mi devocional, En mi tiempo con Dios ha ministrado mucho mi vida, me inspira a escribir. Gracias


I speak Jesus is such an emotional song for me. A friend of ours got breast cancer, and the whole time she was struggling with it, she would constantly sing worship songs, I Speak Jesus one of her favorites. She passed several weeks ago. That song was sung at her funeral. See you again one day, Chris.


I'm a former school social worker that had an accident, causing many after-effects including sound sensitivity. I found myself needing more of God's comfort with the sudden change in my life, and found your lovely heavenly instrumentals that aid in my emotional-spiritual state and sleep. GBU Josh as you share your talent/gift of music.


In the dark morning, I stoke up the wood stove, and the chickens hear me stirring. The roosters start crowing. So I turn on your music in the sunroom and they quiet right down, restoring the peace, literally. Thank you!


My 93 year old mom listens to your extraordinary guitar magical music! She can't talk and can barely see, so this a such a blessing for her! She listens while watching POV YouTube videos of nature, cities around the world etc! It has helped me so much keeping her doing something besides TV watching!


I use your music in my therapy room and have had so many patients ask about the music. They love it! Thank you for your beautiful heart..It's evident in your music that you honor our King. Blessings in YAHSHUA our Messiah.


Thank you for being God's hands, heartbeat, and ministering voice of agape love in and through The Spirit of Jesus❣🩸❣


You bless me so much! God shower you with abundant graces
for availing yourself.


SU fidelidad incomparable, SU AMOR inagotable, SU soberanía inmensurable, SU poder es infinito. El idioma nunca será obstáculo o barrera resistente delante de SU presencia. No existe ley terrenal ni de las tinieblas capaz de anular u obviar SU plan ..SUS promesas ..designios y propósitos son inamovibles..gracias mi DIOS, eres PADRE de naciones ..eres dador de vida y eres nuestros CREADOR ..serás nuestro TODO hasta el fin de los tiempo y hasta la victoria final. Declaramos que en TI somos más que vencedores" - creemos que en TU presencia nuestras fe se alimenta.. renuevas fuerzas cuando éstas se agotaron. Gracias Padre por todo lo otorgado ❤ nos has dado más de lo merecido, ..te escuchamos desde el vientre de nuestras madres, ..esa irrevocable ley natural que no admite plagios ni adulteraciones; ..lo original no calza dentro de lo adulterado ..toda lo que hiciste es original, es único, es creativo y llega tu sello de autenticidad 😊..ese gen único ideado con sabiduría divina lleva SU marca de amor. Eres Creador y eres nuestro Aliento de Vida! .. eres única fuente de bienestar, de amor y paz. En el nombre de Jesús cada familia recibe hoy esa porción perfecta necesaria para aliviar corazones en respuesta a ruegos y clamor en oración. Gracias Padre Eterno por sostenernos con TU diestra, gracias por protegernos bajo TU manto y por llevarnos en la palma de TU mano ❤ Isaias 54:17 ❤ Jer 33:3 ❤ Jer 29:11 ❤ Mat 5:16 ❤ Fil 4:13


Thank you God, you gave a wise heart, your son, Josh Snodgrass, to serve You with the talents You gave. Thank you Mr. Josh Snodgrass. Gbu, always.


I was listening to Christian music, suddenly this music started to play, and I just listened to it and I loved it, it came at a time when I really needed it. Blessings on your ministry, God continue to bless this gift of music that he gave you.


Music lover is here 😁🙌🙌.... Yes God is so good. His goodness is forever


God is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing his wonderful creation. Have a blessed day ❤❤❤🎶🎶


I'm really blessed when I'm in my office and listening to this masterpiece melodies.. Many Blessings


Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift. On my porch this morning the birds join the song. Your beautiful music doesn't disturb the peace.
