The Bottom 100 Million | Bernie Sanders

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The 15 richest people acquired more wealth in the last two years than the bottom 100 million people. The middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. As president, Bernie Sanders will do so.


★ Connect with Bernie:

★ About Bernie:
Bernie Sanders is a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. He is serving his second term in the U.S. Senate after winning re-election in 2012 with 71 percent of the vote. Sanders previously served as mayor of Vermont’s largest city for eight years before defeating an incumbent Republican to be the sole congressperson for the state in the U.S. House of Representatives. He lives in Burlington, Vermont with his wife Jane and has four children and seven grandchildren.

Bernard “Bernie” Sanders was born in Brooklyn, New York, to immigrant parents and grew up in a small, rent-controlled apartment. His father came to the United States from Poland at the age of 17 without much money or a formal education. While attending the University of Chicago, a 20-year-old Sanders led students in a multi-week sit-in to oppose segregation in off-campus housing owned by the university as a Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) officer. In August of 1963, Sanders took an overnight bus as an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to hear Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech firsthand at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

After graduation, Bernie moved to Vermont where he worked as a carpenter and documentary filmmaker. In 1981, he was elected as mayor of Burlington as an Independent by a mere 10 votes, shocking the city’s political establishment by defeating a six-term, local machine mayor. In 1983, Bernie was re-elected by a 21 point margin with a record amount of voter turnout. Under his administration, the city made major strides in affordable housing, progressive taxation, environmental protection, child care, women’s rights, youth programs and the arts. In 1990, Sanders was elected to the House of Representatives as the first Independent in 40 years and joined the Democratic caucus. He was re-elected for eight terms, during which he voted against the deregulation of Wall Street, the Patriot Act, and the invasion of Iraq.

In 2006, Sanders defeated the richest man in Vermont to win a seat in the U.S. Senate as an Independent. Known as a “practical and successful legislator,” Sanders served as chairman of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs where he authored and passed the most significant veteran health care reform bill in recent history. While in the Senate, Sanders has fought tirelessly for working class Americans against the influence of big money in politics. In 2010, he gave an eight-and-a-half hour filibuster-like speech on the Senate floor in opposition to extending Bush-era tax breaks for the wealthy. In 2015, the Democratic leadership tapped Bernie to serve as the caucus’ ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee.

Known for his consistency on the issues, Senator Sanders has supported the working class, women, communities of color, and the LGBT community throughout his career. He is an advocate for the environment, unions, and immigrants. He voted against Keystone XL, opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, wants to expand the Voting Rights Act, and pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
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I'm glad that stuff like this is finally being shown and discussed in mainstream ads. Finally someone is talking about _real_ issues instead of the same small time bullshit.


The best Bernie Sanders ad yet. I'm an independent and I'm voting for Bernie in the MA primaries.


15 people's money > 100 million people? Bullshit. We need this changed


I watched this 8 times already and still can't get enough!


Love you! You got my vote in Calhoun, GA!


All the way to the White House with Bernie Sanders in 2016! A candidate who is truly FOR the people.


Oh I'm feeling this : )#feelthebern


This is really big numbers, so lets get Bernie on TV #feelthebern #berniesanders #bernie3016 #todayilearned


Congratulations on Nevada, President Sanders! ✊💙
Solidarity forever.


This man should be our next president. He is the only authentic and honest person running right now. #Bernie2016


You are the baddest dude ever. I hope to be in Philly this summer as one of your delegates.


i'm not over in the USA, but i hope these adverts are being shown on TV.


Bernie can only win if we all stand together. Make sure you are registered to vote as a democrat (or independent in some states) Show up to your primary or caucus. We can do this! Bernie 2016!


Bernie, my husband and I have recently been deeply effected by the events in Flint, Michigan. We think it would be very generous as well as great for your campaign to drive a couple truckloads of bottled water and park one on each of town and give the residents the water. They have still gotten no assistance from the government and that city is still without the water they so desperately need. The publicity would be amazing for your campaign. The American people would get to know your for the great man we already know you to be and it would help bolster support for you from the black community. You speak of all your could and have done for so many Americans, making our lives better. This would show people who don't know you yet that you are a man of action. I hope you seriously take this into consideration. It would be a win for everyone. Thank you for your attention.


Let's make a change, no violence, just Bernie.


He is the only president candidate that says WE can do it together instead off I'M this and I'M that, Oh and my favorite I'M what this country needs. He is the only one that would really revolutionize an already amazing country and optimize it.


To anyone who says healthcare works let me say I can't afford it. There's a pill, one of 2 I need to properly function mentally... it costs me about $22 every day. Min wage is $8.10 here. I have to work about 4 hours each day to afford the current days pill. This is before calculating the second pill, about $5 a day, and 2 days off each week. Let alone food or anything else. Can't wait to be fined for being to poor for healthcare. Also last health care I had wouldn't start coverage until I had payed $6, 000. Paying them in the meantime of course.


Everyone needs to vote in the primaries and get Bernie nominated. Bernie is the first candidate in many decades where the primaries are as important as the General. Without Bernie, we get status quo.


I have never voted in American politics...I have had the ability to for awhile now but I chose not to because I hate the lies and greed of every politician. Months ago though I just registered to vote as a democrat because of you Bernie. One can say im feeling the bern so i need that universal healthcare so i can get that bern checked out.


Bernie has got this on lock. 2016 is his year !
