Knights Templar were the first in America?? #ninjasarebutterflies #podcast

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The Knights Templar were established as a sanctioned military order in 1120. Europe had been Christian for over 700 years. Heraldry, as a means of identifying the various noble families was a cultural norm. As such, variants of the Cross were developed and adopted as a means of identifying different orders of knights.

The Templar Cross was NOT adopted by Nazi Germany. The Germans adopted the Silesiacum--the Teutonic Cross as a military award aka the Iron Cross in 1813. Its use continued through the Weimar Republic and WWI, and again through WWII.

As far as the controversy surrounding the fall of the Templars? They came to great power very quickly. The rumors were that they found something in Jerusalem that would destroy the Catholic Church and they used it to blackmail the Vatican. Some have speculated they found the gospel of Jesus and it contradicted the Bible as we know it. Or they found proof that the DaVinci Code hypothesis was true and Jesus left an heir. Plausible explanations but unproven.

What's more likely is that a military order composed primarily of French noblemen understood politics and commerce and capitalized on their knowledge and connections. They controlled the roads, harbors and the banks. They collected taxes, tolls and tariffs, and they controlled the flow of spices, silk, cotton, sugar and other luxuries into Europe.

They quickly became rich and powerful enough to loan money to kings and to dictate policy, making powerful enemies in the process including the King of France, Phillip IV, who owed them a ton of money.

They were making enemies in the Vatican as well by refusing to pay certain Cardinals their patronage.

Eventually, Phillip and the Vatican convinced the Pope that the Templars could only have come to power so quickly by being in league with Satan. This was all a politically motivated pretense, but that's the game.

The Pope declared it so, and the Templars were excommunicated, outlawed and immediately targeted on Friday, October 13th 1314, which is where we get the idea that Friday the 13th is bad luck.

The Templar assets in Europe were seized and individual knights were hunted, arrested, tortured and executed but some escaped and went underground taking significant amounts of treasure and hiding it throughout the Mediterranean, Malta in particular.


Columbus was Italian. He sailed for Spain.


That 100% true! Also SCOTLAND under King Robert the Bruce gave protection to the knights templar as well which is where they set sail from to get to North America. The Sinclair family could tell you alot about this.


Columbus' father-in-law was a member of the Templars only legally surviving branch.


Scotland also took in and protected the Templars also. Templar cavalry were pivotal in helping Robert the Bruce smash the English army at Bannockburn, making Bruce King of the Scott’s. The holy grail is said to have spent time at Roselyn chapel before Henry Sinclair brought it to the new world in 1398.


I live in Nova Scotia ( New Scotland) I think the Templars made landfall here long before Columbus, they're are carvings all over the province but in kejimkujik park carved by the miqma there are carvings in rocks, one which appears to be a soldier with a cross on his chest. It's very interesting.


Brought things to America, OH you mean like all the Egyptian artifacts that was found in a cave in the Grand canyon and then covered up and now no one is allowed close to the area since and supposedly the cave was sealed.


Columbus was italian on expedition funded by Spain and that medal is German NOT nazi. It's still in use today.


The red cross on Christopher Columbus' ship represents the flag of the Kingdom of Castile, which was one of the two major Christian kingdoms in what is now Spain. During Columbus' first voyage to the Americas in 1492, he sailed under the banner of the Castilian flag, which featured a red cross on a white background


The Vikings were in North America 500 years before Columbus


For those who don't know it's actually disputed where Columbus was actually from, both Spain and Portugal claim and argue he was actually Spanish or Portuguese, but what is not disputed is that wherever he was from he sailed for the Spanish, this is why many place names in the Americas are in Spanish and not Portuguese, with the exception of Brazil.


Columbus was Italian and not Portuguese, the voyage was commissioned by the Spanish crown


The nights Templar built a chapel in Rhode Island identical to the ones they built in Portugal, Denmark and other N. European countries in the 1300’s . The Sinclairs of Scotland also protected the Templar’s . A Templar Knight that disappeared on a mission to N. America in the early 1300’s was found buried on the coast of - I believe- New York . His armor and Heraldry was sent to Scottish scholars and they identified him as a Templar Knight and even knew his name . Verrazanos Secret Mission to America delves into this missing part of history. A large group of welsh fled to N America in the 5 th century fleeing from Germanic Saxon’s also . The Sioux, Mandan spoke many welsh words when the English first contacted them .


Damn "I believe Columbus is from Portugal" killed that whole thing


Mix uneducated people and stupid theories that can't be true and boom they are an expert.


Shouldn’t be saying this but yeah and fun fact my family helped the templars seek refuge in Scotland before the church put out the inquisition on the Templars and us and it was during the holy war when they were deemed crusaders but we had a hand in the creation of the Templar and had a small temple underground that was built for rituals. We then proceeded in creating the Covenanters who were the guardians of the ark of the covenant before the Duke of argyle was murdered in the streets for starting them but there is a lot more that happened after that including the hellfire club


I love these guys, but this time they're wrong. Columbus was born in Italy and his expedition was from Spain (not Portugal). He was in fact funded by the King and Queen of Spain. His red cross was the Saint John's cross and had nothing to do with the Templars.


Trip on this I went to mex my grandpa who is 88 told me.. a random person in the fields planting stuff came up with a coin upon cleaning it he saw the night Templar cross back 1950..


Yes! This is true! The Hopi new this loooong before Knights Templars or Columbus ever came to America. The Hopi says they came out of the earth with the Pahana (long lost white brother) together at the beginning of time. The Pahana went east to bring back technology in the future. The Pahana left 2 symbols to remember them by.. A swastika and an Iron-cross. The cross (in a circle). Meaning 4-corners of earth. Which was a coincidence because that region the Hopi Tribe is, is called 4-corners region of America. Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado. Right in the center-point of all 4


Christopher Columbus was Italian 😅. Love your show.
