PYTHON Astropy Tutorial | Decoding FITS File Cards| Python Astronomical Data Analysis | DESI ASTRO

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FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) cards are a way to store metadata in FITS files, which are a standard format for storing and exchanging astronomical data.
FITS cards are keyword-value pairs that provide additional information about the data contained in the FITS file. They are used to describe the data, such as its format, units, and calibration, as well as to store other relevant metadata like observation details, instrument settings, and processing history.

Each FITS card consists of:
1. Keyword: a unique string identifier (up to 8 characters)
2. Value: the associated value (can be a string, integer, or floating-point number)
3. Comment: an optional comment field (up to 47 characters)

FITS cards are stored in the header of the FITS file and can be accessed using various software tools and libraries, such as PyFITS, Astropy, or DS9.

Some common examples of FITS cards include:

- TELESCOP: the name of the telescope used to collect the data
- INSTRUME: the name of the instrument used to collect the data
- FILTER: the filter used to collect the data
- EXPTIME: the exposure time of the observation
- CRVAL1: the value of the first coordinate (e.g., RA or wavelength)

FITS cards provide a standardized way to store and exchange metadata, making it easier to work with and analyze astronomical data

Chapter TimeStamps:
00:00:00 Introduction To FITS Cards
00:02:45 Reading a FITS File
00:04:12 understanding Cards & Header Information
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A FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file is a digital file format widely used in astronomy for storing, transmitting, and analyzing scientific data. It is particularly well-suited for handling large and complex datasets, such as images, spectra, and multi-dimensional arrays. Here's an overview of what a FITS file is and its key features:

Key Features of FITS Files:
Data Storage:

FITS files are primarily used to store scientific data, such as images captured by telescopes, spectra of astronomical objects, and time-series data. They can handle data in various formats, including integers, floating-point numbers, and even complex numbers.
Header and Data Units (HDUs):

A FITS file is composed of one or more Header and Data Units (HDUs). The first HDU is known as the Primary HDU, and it typically contains the main data array (e.g., an image) along with a header. The header is a set of metadata, stored as key-value pairs, that describes the data (e.g., the size of the array, the units of measurement, and the date the data was captured).
Additional HDUs, called Extension HDUs, can store other types of data or metadata, such as additional images, tables, or calibration data.
Header Information:

The header of a FITS file is a critical component that provides detailed information about the data. It includes mandatory keywords, such as BITPIX (which specifies the data type), NAXIS (which indicates the number of dimensions), and DATE (the date of observation). Custom keywords can also be added to store instrument-specific or observational details.
File Structure:

The structure of a FITS file is designed to be both flexible and robust. The file begins with a 2880-byte block for the header, followed by the data array. If the data does not fill an exact multiple of 2880 bytes, padding is added to ensure the file's integrity.

FITS files are used extensively in astronomy for storing data from various instruments, including optical, infrared, and radio telescopes. They are also used in other fields that require the storage of large, multi-dimensional arrays.
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