Beginner Flute Lesson 6 - New Note (Eb) & Shark Attack!

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Welcome to our Beginner Flute Lessons! In this lesson, we learn a new note - Eb, and we play a fun song SHARK ATTACK that only uses 2 notes! We hope you find these lessons helpful. Share your questions and comments below, we are always happy to hear from you!

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I have naever played any instrument and I finished 33 years. Had birthday last week and i bought myself a flute. I see how difficult it is but with your lessons I think I will be able to learn :D
All best. Great videos!!!


Thanks so much. Im a 55 great old thatPlay the flute and high school but never understood how to read notes I am trying to pick this all up again and actually learning how to read notes from you! I'm thrilled I learned a D and E flat tonight!


i love how you teach me in this way. i use this to help me get better and its working


I love these lessons! I wanted to learn to play flute and I literally needed the basics of music, the notes, etc. And your videos provide all of it in one place, thank you so much!


helped me a lot. I would like even more videos. I just started using my flute. it goes slow enough so that I could understand. and I try to avoid videos with cussing. so thank you for not using prophanity, I don't know if I spelled it right. keep coming out with more videos please


Ive only been doing this for about an hour and let me just say... as a trombone player i didnt think it could pick up so quickly but these videos are incredible, they are simple easy to follow and im already playing a song!?! Great job! :)


MrSelfFride, my band is half way through the book. On number 90-97. I just started flute because I switched from a Tenor Saxophone to a Flute. I need more help, please make more videos I am still getting confused on moving the fingers, your videos are truly helping! Pls reply as soon as possible!


These flute videos are helping me so much!! Thank-you


Hi, thanks for the lesson. I had a test on Friday that I was really worried about, because I couldn't play D or Eb. After watching this I can play it pretty well.


Your so good and I’m actually having difficulty making the sound but I like the song shark attack you are the best teacher I have never been so good and playing the flute as a beginner thank y so so so so so so so much I will keep watching your videos until I get better at the flute


I almost gave up my flute lessons, but after I found your channel and I changed my mind! SHARK ATTACK is cool! :) You are a good teacher! I decided to download everything from you and continue my learning.


Thank you! You are by far the best online teacher I have seen so far. I just started learning the flute and this really helps me a lot! please keep up the video's :) It would be nice to have more beginner play along video's / notes to practise, they are super! i hope you will.


I am having trouble with making sounds. When I'm just using the head link it's easy but when I'm using the whole flute it's hard.


i like the simplicity of your lessons. beautiful :)


Um When you transition from D to E flat do you breath then do it or play on the same breath
Sorry I'm new to the flute business


I really love you videos its so good that I can learn it straight away when I keep practising thank you so much


My grandpa just got me this flute, its used and has some minor dents, but the sound is good. (So far) And when I play with the head joint its strong, when I play with the whole flute, pressing no keys, its pretty good but a little softer, but when I hit all the notes to make D it wont hardly make a sound. When It does, it sounds just like I'm playing without hitting anything, It might just be me? It could also be that I'm not breathing right, help?
P.S. When I press my pinky, trying to do Eb, it wont change any sound. I don't know whats wrong? :(


Thank you for your clear instructions, now I know how to hold my flute and managed both notes D and Eflat


Hey MrSelfridge, so after some practice, I was able to produce a good D and Eb, Do you mind if you can let me know when to breath for Shark attack. I find that I need to breath for each bar...especially for the last Quarter note section. Did you play all three bars in the last section in one breath?


My sound comes out pretty good I just run out of breath almost every 3 counts. I play the clarinet and saxophone and I can blow for almost 5 measures. Are there any breathing exercises I can do to blow longer for the flute.
