Why Automobilista 2 Just Saved LFM

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Low Fuel Motorsports did a fantastic job Assetto Corsa Competizione but in recent months players of ACC have become apathetic and user numbers on LFM with AC1 and RF2 never really took up in the same way. In comes Automobilista 2 and saves the day ! - In this video I explain why AMS2 is the perfect match for LFM and what AMS2 players need to watch out for so that they don't make the same mistakes as they did for both RF2 and AC1

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LFM saved Ams2. Servers are well populated now as never before...


Only the fact that one doesn't need to own the "track" DLC to participate is huge. Thank you!
PS, I added "track" after my first reply.


I think they saved each other 😅
LFM was still stable in terms of new signups before ams2, but wasn't growing that much


It’s definitely a mutually beneficial relationship. Fully agreed on the issue of mods in AC with LFM. To be fair, they do provide links to the mods, but it’s still an extra step for a lot of new people.

ACCs population on LFM has definitely dropped fairly hard after AMS2 came to LFM, will be interesting to see how much of that is from the “newness” of AMS2 on LFM, vs people leaving ACC


As someone new to online racing, it would be great to have a guide/tutorial kind of video on using LFM, or similar services. Plenty of stuff available for iRacing, but someone new to LFM and similar has to do way more trial and error and digging around for info.


Thanks for all your information on AMS 2 and LFM. I agree with all that you say about the games an using LFM. Just got back on my gaming computer last night and ran all the upgrades for my various games. So will be trying AMS 2 this weekend.
I have all the racing games you mention and only do AC 1 and RFactor 2 offline with all the various content I have for them. I agree that ACC is very limited with cars and tracks and as you say can get boring, but is a fun game to do both offline and online.
Look forward to the EVO racing game and to see what it brings to the table far as racing. It only comes with a handful of tracks to start out with, so Time shall Tell how this game is with the racing communities.
Thanks for the video and take care.


We need more historic track/F1 or sportscar combos though!


I agree, although I have done AC on LFM, I often can’t be bothered to install the mods etc. Factor in any additional cost of paid mods and I prefer to just jump straight onto iracing


I think you do have to own the Cars to race them, it's the Tracks you don't need to own.


Another benefit of AMS2 for competitive racers who don't tune their cars, is you can download top tunes from the time trial leaderboard. You can get around paywall tunes. Unlike a game like forza, any time used on AMS2 leaderboard is loaded automatically and not locked.


Agreed. ACC and AMS2 share the distinction of feeling like games out of the box, and not weird tech demos with a game strapped to the side of it. For quite a while, AMS2 has probably been the most complete package for someone who just wants to sit down, open a game, and drive in single player. AC1 is a more complete package with mods, and you definitely needed to go elsewhere for multiplayer, but for single player it was fine. And sure, the physics are a bit weird, and everything is much too buggy, but what sim can't you say this about? Add LFM to plug the hole in the multiplayer, and suddenly you have a very attractive sim.

But this should also serve as a warning to developers. In the current market, it doesn't matter how good your physics are, if you don't have some way for players to hop into a relatively competitive, relatively clean, relatively uncomplicated multiplayer race, you'll be dead on arrival. There are too many titles now offering this for you to compete without also offering this.


I like LFM...However I think it could be massively improved if it was easier to see what events are starting soon... and which events have the most drivers signed up (or have the chance to have the most people sign up). That info is on there...but you have to dig a bit to find it. Seems like it could be more straight forward. I.e. have a section just for the hourly races and a section for the weekly races.


The problem in AC is, there is not a lot of free content mods that can be meshed together that have good BOP. Also a lot of paid content that comes from different studios is not well BOPed (gt3, lmh, tcr, ...). They should concentrate on full grids from same developers, or those that are well balanced. Just ditch gt3 and lmh. They are already available in other sims extensively. Why not go for something, others don't have, plenty of good content available. For example: rss gt1 2003-2005+kunos mc12, urd dtm 2018, ASR f1 1991, Bazza f1 1975, vrc lmp1 2000 or 2019, urd gte 2018+488gte from Yahzerod.


They should really make a series with Formula Junior Vintage. That is the best car in AMS2!


I think its the other way around to be fair lol. If Lfm get involved with Le Mans Ultimate you may see numbers on AMS2 drop once again particularly if all the big streamers jump on it once the new update drops next week.


I didnt even watch the video but the correct title is: Why LFM Just Saved Automobilista 2


for AC you can run lfm in content manager on the live tab under multiplayer.. you just install the browser option and there is an lfm tab.. most mods will the DL with in cm with just the odd one here and there needing you to use the browser version.. i really like ACs lfm integration for vr


Ams2 is for me the most complete package …and runs good on every system …not only the high end systems …also good and easy to setup and for vr too…lots of cars it looks amazing and is lot of fun to do championship in game …good AI …so overal is ams 2 the best for me


I agree. RF2 when it hit LFM was very flaky. And you had to own all the content to race a series. They fixed that, but not until the second season when it had lost all the initial surge of people. If it had been in the state it is now it might have succeeded. AC same issue..pain in the arse to get all the mods etc and some odd race combo choices. So far the series choices have looked good for AMS2 and the servers have been absolutely rammed. Expect it will drop a bit around December 10th but lets see what happens. I've done 3 races so far and its been great fun and very solid.


I didn't think AC LFM setup was *that* horrible. Though that AMS2 doesn't require any additional fiddling is definitely welcome.
