Candid Conversations: Divorce | Joyce Meyer

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Candid Conversation with Joyce Meyer, Joyce addresses the topic of divorce, an important and sensitive issue in today's society. She emphasizes the importance of approaching this topic from a scriptural perspective and shares her own experience with divorce. Joyce acknowledges that although divorce may not result in the loss of salvation, it is crucial to ensure that one has biblical grounds for divorce if they wish to be truly obedient to God.

Joyce cites Mark 10:2-12, which discusses the importance of honoring marriage vows and the consequences of divorce. She highlights the need for individuals to take their vows seriously, as God commands. Joyce explains that love is not a feeling but a decision about how to treat another person, and that many people make emotional decisions about divorce without fully understanding what love entails.

Joyce encourages people to reflect on their marriages and to make every effort to work through issues, rather than giving up easily. She stresses the importance of having a strong foundation in God's word and being obedient to His teachings, even when it comes to difficult topics like divorce.
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Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

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I put up with verbal, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and financial abuse for 30 years. Is that long enough to be a good example? Is that long enough to tolerate the suffering and be the only working, praying, seeking counseling? My husband believes he is a spiritual leader, and so many [men] pastors have trumpeted, "Just submit and everything will be alright." Every time I've tried to talk to them, I've been reprimanded for 'dishonoring' my husband. Nobody in church leadership seems to care how I - or any other women - have been dishonored, humiliated, disgraced... His refusal to seek help for his psychological dysfunction as a result of severe traumatic abuse in childhood has literally ruined my life. There are 3 Biblical reasons for divorce: adultery, abandonment by an unsaved spouse, and chronic physical or emotional abuse. God doesn't expect his daughters to tolerate abuse; what good father would? The Church has to wake up and realize that the enemy of our souls is ramping up his game. We can't expect women and girls to blindly trust men as though we were still living in the 1940's; we're at war!


My husband portrayed to be a man of God with his words to win me and keep me. Said catch phrases of how he prayed for me to be his one day. We tried for years to get Godly counsel to fix things. He was so ridden with addiction and demonic oppression and was sinking and refusing to get help. I also came with baggage as well from past abusive relationship and being used by men and I needed healing internally. When he was so overwhelmed with the world and blamed me for all of his issues even told me how he wanted to kill himself constantly because of me... he abandoned us to be with his mom and dad and grandparents. The Lord gave me peace of how many red flags there were from the start of our relationship and how I shouldn't have even married him. The Holy Spirit showed me how many times I should have left, but gave him so many chances. When he left and we separated I made the choice of finding comfort in men, which I regret deeply. We are now divorced and I am in weekly Christian counseling. The push to make me leave was the anger and violence in front of the children was something that needed to end. I still pray for his healing and continued salvation, freedom in his life from addiction. I am focused on Ministry and my children and healing.


I choose peace over an abusive relationship.


My husband told me he wanted a divorce and asked me to move out! This has been the most difficult situation in my life. I love him so much and I am believing God for complete restoration!


I was married for 14 years, I couldn't do it...the women, the games, the lies, alcoholism, drugs, physically attacking me ( more than once) he finally got a 19 year old pregnant and then while married to me proposed to his ex high school sweetheart...I left with my kids. I had enough...I literally I couldn't give anymore...I was done.


I was married at 21 and divorced in 8 years. Lucky to be alive. I then remarried and we went 25 years to divorce. It was a mess, and he wanted to drink, other women and smoke
Marijuana. Since I was clean a year after I could not live that way and maintain a good life. Literally my environment was totally cleaned out. My Adult children, too. I am thankful and grateful to have a good clean life again. Amen 🙏💓


Getting closer to God is what led me to divorce my abusive stbx. He turned my heart off to my stbx and gave me the courage to obey Him to leave! God never joined my "husband" and I together, our own sin did. It took me 23 yrs to finally obey God and then He rescued me! Thank you God! God loves us more, then he hates divorce! He hates that divorce needs to be an option!


This was good. I wish Joyce Meyer would present and make available MORE information for married couples. Divorce is a hard topic...but we need to know. Thank you Ginger and Joyce for sharing the hard things from your marriages. It is encouraging and lends some empathy to those whonare suffering. Also hope.


Marriage is hard with or without kids!! No marriage should hurt so bad to led to divorce but I know firsthand my kids were better without their father!!


I’m divorcing now after 15 years. He was a narcissistic financial abuser that used me. I was near dying mentally and he only wanted to be paid. I can’t wait to be free.


My divorce was the biggest blessing in my life ❤


There is no way In hell I’m going to see my husband molesting my child and walk away as if nothing has happened because man and woman are not supposed to get a divorce what about when a woman is getting the crap beat out of her by her husband or when your husband will not work to help provide for the family it’s like people are afraid to address these things because they don’t want to question the word of god I prayed to god about it and I got my answer and I feel no guilt about wanting a divorce being physically and mentally abused will drive you insane and you mean to tell me I have to deal with it the rest of my life because YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO GET DIVORCED god wants us at peace not to worry and to fear no one but him though….right🤦🏾‍♀️


I was married for 17 years and divorced since 2001 and have been ALONE ever since...I now realize that I didn't do things right. I wish I'd have prayed more and "given up" and/ or argued less. I blame mostly myself for everything. He's dead now and I wished I'd have handled things differently. I wish I'd have KNOWN to studying The Word at the time. I wished I'd have known about Joyce Meyer Ministries back then . I wished I'd have had both myself and my "ex" watch her programs, especially when she talks about " living beyond your feelings". My "ex" was hurt a lot as a kid and had a failed marriage before he met me. He always kept holding me responsible for the "sins of others"; things that happened before he even met me.... WHICH WASN'T FAIR...!!!


It’s hard on the kids either way. Especially when abuse is involved .


Joyce Meyer's makeup team did a REALLY🤩 good job on her eye makeup. Beautiful.


Amen can’t give up God is real he can fix all things


Pray for me I just want to HONOR GOD in my marriage, I have biblical reasons for my divorce but I have been separated for 5 years. How do I walk this out being separated from my spouse and the world saying you should Divorce him already?


Thank you Joyce for talking about this difficult topic. I am very confused about it all. In a 8 year long un-successful marriage with 2 children. No obvious reasons for divorce so I've come to turns with staying in it and just focusing on myself and the children but it is so hard. I know that so many other women are in similar situation like mine. I feel for you all and I pray for strength and guidance.


Great interview and teaching! Thank you both. God bless you.


I have been married for almost 26 years with my spouse for 32 years. It has been a long and tough road. Two children in the family early 20s both still live at home. My problem within my whole married life is that we were never equaled, especially with finances and how the household was run. I was always treated less than him, even though he's said differently. Never were things shared by both of us always one-sided I was the one who shared. I've tried to change myself, thinking that would help, and asked him to go to counseling. He's not interested in pitting my children in between us because he would rather do that than learn to communicate better with me. I go to counseling without him. I Believe in God with all my heart. He tells me I'm fake and shouldn't follow the word of God. I believe the damage that continues and the emotional and mental abuse I endure needs to end finally, and to show my kids this is not what they want for their own lives. they need a caring loving open person who does believe in God and all the powers he has. I will continue to pray for the strength to follow through with the divorce and finally find the peace I'm deserving of
