Multiplication (and Percentages) | Operator | Power Fx | Copilot Studio - Power Apps

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In this video, we’re breaking down the multiplication operator in Power FX, represented by the asterisk (*). It’s straightforward but incredibly useful helping you scale values, calculate totals, and work with percentages in your apps.
We’ll start with a simple example of multiplying two numbers, then move to Power Apps to see how to calculate costs or apply percentages dynamically.
Finally, we’ll jump into Copilot Studio to explore how the multiplication operator can be used to project values or adjust variables effectively.
#powerapps #copilotstudio #powerfx
We’ll start with a simple example of multiplying two numbers, then move to Power Apps to see how to calculate costs or apply percentages dynamically.
Finally, we’ll jump into Copilot Studio to explore how the multiplication operator can be used to project values or adjust variables effectively.
#powerapps #copilotstudio #powerfx