How Guns Are Advertised In The U.S.

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Most of the gun debate tends to focus on firearm production, distribution and consumerism as avenues for intervention. However, on Wednesday July 27th, the Committee on Oversight and Reform, will hold a hearing with the CEOs of gun manufacturers Daniel Defense, LLC, Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc., and Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. on their role in gun violence, specifically looking at the sales and marketing of their assault rifles.

There is currently no federal regulation on how guns are advertised, but many advocates for stricter firearm laws believe limiting the marketing of assault weapons could translate to fewer gun-related deaths.

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How Guns Are Advertised In The U.S.
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Hollywood is by far the best marketing tool to date.


The best marketing tool by far is from politicians promising to restrict or ban them.


To me, the biggest advertisement for guns is crime, riots, and violent protests where the general public can clearly see that law enforcement is not designed to prevent violence against you but to respond after the fact.


I don't recall there being gun advertisements on TV, radio, billboards or postal ads.

The news media is the most influential driver that encourages gun ownership. Shootings are good for ratings and the bottom line.


I find it farfetched that anyone viewing an advertisement or promotional video for a firearm would come to feel it would be great fun to shoot a bunch of people. Certainly there are those that should be stopped from accessing weapons but these few sick individuals have already developed a long list of grievances and lack the maturity/self control not to act on them. Like it or not these companies are only selling products legal to own in this country. I agree no advertising targeting kids but aside from that they should be able to promote their products.


"How Guns Are Advertised In The U.S." By Democrats talking about banning guns every once in a while?


I see the whole Remington settlement is continuing to be misused by people who don't realize the nuances of that case.
First off Remington did not settle anything because Remington is currently at defunct company. The insurance agency that represented Remington settled, they settled because they found it financially cheaper to subtle instead of fighting a lawsuit for a company that no longer exists (in fact one would question how you could properly represent a company that doesn't exist).

Second the plaintiffs had to shop for the proper Court to even find somebody who would take their lawsuit seriously.

Third in the lawsuit they highlight ads that related gun ownership to manhood, they called it toxic masculinity.
However the facts of the case don't back their theory.
The Sandy Hook shooter never saw these ads and decided to go purchase a firearm.
Sandy Hook shooter killed his mother and stole her firearms.

The in the lawsuit they never even try to prove the shooter saw these ads and it ignores the fact that if these ads contributed to the purchase of the weapons it was the mother who sold the ads and was influenced.

It's all really ironic because a lot of the people who are anti-gun seem to correlate with the people who say 'oh we need to remove money from politics the special interests have too much influence.'
But this lawsuit was funded by special interest groups, meaning that a lot of people are hypocrites.


Keep in mind that for most of the 20th century schools in the US not only had shooting clubs as part of school sports, but many schools had firearms training as part of the curriculum. But alas they disappeared, and along with it went societies respect for proper safety, maintenance, and usage of a firearm. School shootings are a relatively new phenomenon that never really happened back then.


I am not American so excuse my mistakes. From my observation, most people in America who want to ban guns also happen to be some of the most anti-police people too. And they also spout things like Trump is a fascist. I don't agree or disagree with any of that.

But if police isn't working properly, why do you also want to ban one mean of defense against criminals, why do you want guns banned if you think fascism is on the rise?


Democrats and the criminals they protect are the best advertisement for guns in America.


Can’t make a Hollywood movie without guns. Sometimes you get shot running a camera, by an actor


The INSURANCE COMPANY REPRESENTING REMINGTON SETTLED THE SUIT, not REMINGTON! And the Actual cash payment is nowhere near all those millions


Let’s be honest. Most of us got into firearms becuase of games like the original MW2. 13 years later you find yourself owning some of the weapons similar to the ones in game but with more understanding of firearm technology and ballistics that you definitely didn’t have back then. You move past the cool factor that it’s in the game and go to the science and engineering behind it. Even though it’s still got a cool factor to it.


"How Guns Are Advertised In The U.S.". I normally go into a gun store and a salesman sells my the firearm I want. Plain and simple.


Im goin to buy another one now!! thanks cnbc (: 💪🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸


Let's just gloss over the whole period where guns were actively advertised, regular gun ownership was considered normal, and gun owners were taught how to properly own and fire guns and the lack of mass shootings...


I didn’t want a firearm until a politician said he wanted to take them.


I'm 33yrs old... I've never seen an ad for any gun...ever.


Why do they keep saying "assault rifle, " if you cant get the technical terms correct then how are firearm owners supposed to take your reporting seriously?


This is hilarious. The media and all social media has effectively shut down any sort of advertisement for firearms, but now you're blaming influencers? Here's a newsflash, people who are already interested in firearms seek the info out. People don't suddenly buy a gun because they randomly saw an advertisement. Get real.
