GHWoR - 'Black Widow of La Porte' Expert Guitar 100% FC (903,095)

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Black Widow of La Porte - John 5 ft. Jim Root

Holy shit. 1st place. FGFC. 66/93 1st places on this game. Full setlist scroll at 8:40.

I have a lot to say.

So I got my first FC of this song around September of last year. At the time, I wasn't really concerned too much with getting a high score; I just wanted to loosely follow the path and get the FC. After a surprisingly short amount of time, like 3 hours, I got the FC and subsequently the FGFC. I took a few weeks break from the game, then I got to work squeezing the easier songs. After I had gotten most of the songs recorded, I looked through my scores and went back to improve the ones I thought needed improvement, and this song was always in the back of my mind as one that I knew I could do better on.

Well, around like February of this year, I started getting serious about reFCing this song with a better score (my first FC was 901,3xx). It was surprisingly tough to reFC this song or some reason. I swear it must have taken a longer time to FC this song the second time than the first. It took multiple grind sessions, but I was able to reFC, but I only improved my score by a measly 500 points. I was upset, but I didn't wanna waste another 4 hours trying to FC this song for a third time.

Well, yesterday was the last day I had to improve my score before this song needed to be uploaded, so I decided to sit down and grind out this song to try to reFC it.

I did this on my FIRST TRY of the day. Legit. That's why the video starts out from the menu.

Super happy that I was able to get 1st place on this song. What a perfect way to end this game's uploads; a global 1st place on the last song, on one of the hardest songs in the series. I'm very proud of what I was able to accomplish in this game. I didn't have very high expectations in terms of scores going into this game because I wasn't very familiar with most of the songs that weren't hard, but I completely exceeded all my expectations. I saw Fug's scores on this game and thought he was unbeatable- he had 45 1st place scores, but to my surprise, I was able to take down most of his scores. Crazy. As of today's upload, I hold 1st place on 66 of the 93 songs in this game.

Now towards the future:
In the coming days, I'm going to upload fail compilations for Chemical, Fury, and this song, as well as a Clone Hero video, and probably a few other things.

I originally planned for my next game to be The Beatles: Rock Band, but it quickly became apparent that uploading all those songs on YouTube would be a copyright nightmare, and every single video would have to be pitch shifted or sped up to avoid being blocked worldwide. I still played through the entire game and recorded videos for every song, but I just won't upload them on YouTube. I will be uploading a screenshot compilation of my scores in that game with a link to every single song uploaded in a Dropbox folder where they can be viewed in 1080P 60FPS, and without any worries about copyright issues.

My next game I'll be uploading instead is Lego Rock Band! This game has arguably the best career mode of any Rock Band game, and it has a pretty decent setlist, and a lot of small details that make it a very unique experience. I had more fun than I expected to have while playing through that game, so I hope you all give it a chance and enjoy what's coming up. GHWT will be after LRB.

Thanks for watching this video, and every other Warriors of Rock video that I've uploaded. My channel has seen tremendous growth over the period that I've uploaded this game, nearly 2,000 new subscribers! I welcome you all, and I hope you stick around for what I have coming up.

My Scores:
Рекомендации по теме

Looking back I really appreciate how much they improved the animations for this game. The guitarist really sweeps, strums, picks and taps, and hits big windmill strums at appropriate times, the bassist picks with multiple fingers, the singer really emotes, the drummer has weight in his movements. It looks great.


Jesus Christ you are the God of FC videos on Official GH games! You are my favourite youtuber in official GH community (Clone Hero doesn't count), and therefore you are my idol in gaming!


This is a major accomplishment of which I'm glad to have followed it from the start! The growth of your channel is well deserved. I'm really looking forward to the next series!


not only a amazing fc but 1st place too, really good job!


Wow, you have just been awarded the Hand Mutilator achievement! You deserve it, because I sure as hell won't be able to do it myself!


Alright youtube you recommended me this 5 times


Youtube recommended this video to me several times over but I'm not complaining, this song fucking slaps, and you did a phenomenal job.


Man... my favorite part of the video was really looking through the setlist, each song here made me relive my memories when I was a kid playing this game around the time it came out, forging my music taste. Now I'm about to turn 20 and I want to play this game all from start again on my Wii.


I was like “oh this doesn’t look hard” until 0:54


Following your progress is great. I look forward to LRB


My arthritis kicked in remembering I tried this lmao still completed after practice not near perfect as this. Throwback as fuck 💯Mad Respect



This part made me headbang in class. The teacher just looked at me weird 😂


Dig, Short and Sweet, and Final Countdown will get definite likes from me when you upload them 👍


For those who thought through the fire and the flames was too easy, i present to you this almost 7 and a half minute behemoth of a track.

Also you gotta love johnny just vibin at the mic stand. Man's having the time of his life.


Fabulous job on the gameplay. I for one would love to better myself from playing easier songs on Expert and try to crank it up a notch by playing heavier songs. This would be an excellent start to get better at hammer ons but if anybody has any recommendations, please feel free to reply. Especially you, guitarheroRoxs. You nail it every single time!


Every now and then I get the need of coming back to these fcs


When I first played this one and never heard it before I will say, I had a GOOD time


I was just watching this run comparing our squeezing (interesting RHG2B act, would probably make that section easier and give the same point output anyways). This run is REALLY good, i'd say by the final act, on a GOOD run from me, you're over 1, 200pts. ahead of me (ty extended sustain SP), and even then, i'll have to fudge the last activation by 4 notes so I won't choke lmao, so i'll probably get a low 901K on my FC judging by this video. Great work dawg \m/


Hey i really like your video's, thanks for posting, you're an inspiration. And you just can FC everything, i honestly think you are one of the best guitar hero players of the world. Can you please do, Awaken - The Silence is Defeaning? I think 14k views for pulling this off is really underrated, and i see that a lot on YouTube. You gotta do a contest man, for worlds best guitar hero player. Wish you a great day


I’m here for the pathing comments as usual:
I was going to get this FC back in the day, I think wrestling season started and I never got back to it. Had tech FC and was choking past your 7th act on most runs lol But I definitely had tweaks on this, I went and calculated it out and they were better. If I play GH again, I would go get this FC and Sudden Death and grab 1st on both. I can triple squeeze the first and double squeeze the last act consistently on sudden death, I wouldn’t ever go for the full game, pretty sure. Also wouldn’t want to squeeze entire games again. I would just want some hard FCs. 1st on this game looks like it will be yours forever. Congrats, truly, great fucking job.

If I had all of the squeezes I was consistent with, I would have had 1226 over this, 904, 321. This assumes that I would have got the same amount of points from the extended sustain glitches, and I probably wouldn’t have, I never practiced them on this game. The breakdown is linked on pathhero, I always just squeezed from the red until the second yellow strum on the 3rd Act because the reverse ticks are exactly 100 points and I could never get the squeeze to the second yellow with the reverse ticks. I also could never come close to squeezing to the second green on your 5th Act/6th Act on my path, although that is also possible. The extended sustains you need to glitch all of them, just for whammy alone. I consistently covered two more notes on your 9th activation. Squeezing to the green is potentially possible as well.