New Fijian war dance the 'bole'

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Fiji's debut of the new war dance the "bole" against Scotland in June 2012 led by captain Netani Talei.

The previous war dance the "cibi" had been used since 1939, but it has been changed because "cibi" means "the celebration by the warriors when victory has been won", so it has been altered to the "bole" which means "accepting a challenge for a mission or competition".

Words and meaning

TEIVOVO, TEIVOVO ( -- bolea me ra teivovotaki -- I'm challenging you to be uprooted)
IO, IO, IO, IO (e rawa -- yes, it will be done)
TEIVOVO, TEIVOVO (me teivovotaki dina -- let's turn them up side down)
IO, IO, IO, IO (au sa tu vakarau -- I'm ready)
RAI TU MAI, RAI TU MAI (nanuma me'u rerevaki iko -- you think I'm afraid of you)
AU NA VIRIVIRI KEMU BAI (sega ni rawa ni o basubsau mai -- you can't break my defence)
IKO NA TOA YALEWA (au na toa tagane -- you're only a hen, I'm the rooster)
VEICO, VEICO,VEICO (daru veico qai raica -- let's fight and you'll see)
AU TABU MOCE O I AU (au na yadravi iko -- I don't sleep and will watch you)
U MOCE GA E DOMO NI BIAU (rawa ni yaco e domo ni biau noqu kaukauwa -- my strength can reach the crushing of the waves)
LUVU KOTO KINA NOMU WAQA (sega ni rawa ni'u luvu kina -- I will not be drowned)
KAYA BEKA U SA LUVU SARA (nanuma me'u luvu kina? -- you think you'll defeat me by drowning?)
NOMU BAI E WAWAMERE (tali ga e na wakada -- your fence is only made of wawamere creapers)
AU TOKIA GA KA TASERE (rawarawa ni basuraki -- It's easy to untangle)
TULE TULE BUKA E SE DREDRE (au rawa ga ni cavuraki iko -- I can uproot you)
TULE TULE BUKA E SE DREDRE (au rawa ga ni cavuraki iko -- I can uproot you)
IO, IO, IE ( ka kece oqo e na rawa -- yes it will be achieved)
IO, IO, IE (ka kece oqo e na rawa -- yes it will be achieved)
IO, IO, IE (ka kece oqo e na rawa -- yes it will be achieved)
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This new war dance (the i-bole) was taught to the fiji team by a fijian historian and choreographer...And what he said was the cibi is to be performed when u r vctorious in this case if fiji wins a game, that is why the i-bole is done before battle (the game). Jus some facts for the haters and people who know nothing about fijian tradition, peace out.


All Fijian meke's are about stories of past events and myths surrounding Fijian ancestory migration, land settling and tribal warfares.
''Cibi'' comes from the word ''VAKACIBI I VALU!'' (Laying down the Challange!). It is a pre-war psyched up shaking of the body with enchantment dictating the mind! This ''Cibi'' evolves around the movements of two Roosters fighting out a battle to the death! In lay a challange(tribal meke) it is a ''Cibi'' and depicts a Rooster's cry, kick etc.


Thanks everyone for the comments....
Our present Cibi or iBole presented here has become more of a meke than it's intended purpose.
Get on the halfway line & stand in a tight flat line and issue the challenge.
The best Cibi I've seen performed was by our Fiji XV in 1970 when they destroyed the star studded Barbarians side 29-9.My uncle((Momo) played no.7 Ilaitia Tuisese.
That day the team ran onto the field made a left turn facing the crowd/supporters in the stands. Captain and my Kai-Mr Sela Toga of Nadi & no.8 looked behind to the players who assembled quickly into a flat rigid line and down they went low and hard into....Teivovo, Teivovo....
That was the first warning shot fired by the Fiji XV....the 1st casualty at Gosforth.
The 2nd casuality...the Barbarians.For information that team on the field had 11 players that would tour with the British Lions to New Zealand the following year in 1971 where they won the Test series 3-1.
Fiji stole the Barbarians thunder that day all in part to a powerful, forceful Cibi that made people sit up and take notice
Our Cibi fire is not there


being Maori I like it I like all of them the difference and the similarity same here in Aoteroa each Tribe and sub tribe had their own way of doing the same thing but different lifting not lifting the legs etc I want to watch the Cibi Sipi Tau Haka Bole the Siva love it


yeeea very true, thats why we never get anywhere in rugby...too much complain: the coach, the bole, the players... the best thing we can do is to just support them


As a fijian the big boys lack pride when doing the bole compared to the tongans, samoans and kiwis..they should learn from the fijian u18 schoolboys team 2013 that beat the kiwis this year..


Wananavu...totoka dina na "I sure it makes each and every true Fijian Bati out there proud. I'll be watching this every morning before I go to work....INSPIRATIONAL


ira gona qo sa daramaka rawa na jersey, for all you critics, qito mada qai laurai na nomu is our national team and we should take pride in you have nothing good to say, than don't say anything unless you can go and prove yourself on the


Go hard my bradas, make me proud. GO FIJI BULA


watching this new war cry-''Bole'-, it gives us a fighting spirit even if you watching from the sideline! So imagine how the boys felt and despite the fact that they lost to Scotland that fighting spirit is in them and they are proud to be called Fijians-we're Fijians...
Vinaka vaka levu na qito vei kemudou na noda toa ni


We had some Fijians come to our Marae they already knew the process they came to the funeral because the Uncle of the deceased on the Fijian side said they had to go because of the Tuakana (elder) line funny that just like the Maori. hell these so called specialist said there was a race in nz before the Maori the Mori Ori yeah um they spoke the same language had the same customs but they were a different race yep these scholars are special people


After the huuuu haaaa bit the crowd should've sang "I wanna knooowwww if you can be my girrlll" hahaha


I am Maori if u wanna believe that Fijians are different to other Polynesian that's your choice funny thing is I understand some of the Fijian words because they are Maori words some of the Samoan words are Maori. Tongan have Maori words a Tongan asked my wife if she was Tongan because her last name was a Tongan word but to us it is a Maori word.


Fiji, wake up our ancestors.... Much ALOF 🇼🇸


GOOD ONE, sa fiji reps io na polo se lutu tiko, milo kaji!!


I like that war dance. well done Fiji.


Thought some of them moves came out of crouching tiger hidden dragon.


If anyone of you saw "Manoa We Ni Yava" on MaiTV last night would see and appreciate the real meaning behind the Lyrics and moves of the "i Bole", it may seem samoan but its definitely Fijian!


what's your problem RedemptionIsland685! you're samoan! you wouldn't know why the cibi was changed to "i bole". there's meaning behind it and purely fijian. you're disrespecting my culture. i'm sure my fellow fijians wouldn't disrespect the samoan challenge. and call names and the moves behind it, because we wouldn't know. i hope you apologize. vinaka


Aista vacava me on mai na quruquru vatu, manoa come on men oso
