Hang Out // What I Ate Today ░ CloudyApples

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Me blabbing and showing you what I ate. Hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you been eatin'!

Here are all of the recipes! Sorry, I don't really use measurements very often, it's best to just make sure you're tasting a lot so you can make sure the food doesn't suck while you better learn how to use what's in your kitchen. :D

Garden Sandwich
Hummus, Black Pepper, Gouda, Avocado, Tomato, Red Pepper (I forgot to mention it), and Alfalfa Sprouts

Potato Salad
Base: Greens, Garlic, Tomato, Spiralized/finely chopped Carrot
Dressing: Blend - Tahini, Lemon Juice, Mustard, Water, Salt and Pepper
Crouton Potatoes: Bake at 350° for about 25 minutes - Sweet Potatoes, Baby Potatoes, Olive Oil, Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Thyme, and Paprika

Big Asian Soup
Water, Miso Paste, Soya Sauce, Mirin, Grated Carrot, Grated Ginger, Garlic, Mushrooms, Green Onion, Dried Seaweed, and I used Black Bean Lentil Noodles, but you can use whatever noodles you want, heck, don't use any noodles if you don't wanna!

Salted Chocolate Tangerine
Melted Chocolate, Coconut Oil, Sea Salt, Tangerine/Orange Slices

I Love You by Roller Girl

This video is not sponsored.

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Hi Kassima, I have been watching your videos for almost a year now, and it is sad to say that I have never once commented. My mother preferred that I keep myself private on YouTube, but after some really good persuasion, I now have the chance to express how much I admire you as a person and as a creator on each of your videos!! Thank you for being so genuine, and thank you so much for showing us what you eat, your health and positivity inspires me. You are beautiful <3


Yea! More videos on what you eat would be great. I just got home for the summer from school and had been cooking on my own. Looking for some summer meal inspiration!! I agree on everything you said about what you look for in a potential partner. Good points. You rock!


You are my favorite youtuber. Everything you say and do really makes a big impact in my life and how to think positively and it is really needed in my life at the moment. I just wanted to know how grateful I am of you posting videos, videos that even though are seen to look like other videos, are completely different and brings up topics that makes you analyze important things. Thank you!


No joke, I have watched over a million of what I eat in a day videos, and this video has been the most enlightening and different video of them all! I love how you go beyond just showing us your food by talking to us about different topics of life. Your recipes look so delicious and I definitely love all of your food videos. I have never watched any of your videos without learning something new. Literally my FAVORITE youtuber of all time.


I love the videos where you tell us what you eat because you always have different recipes and ideas which are so refreshing to watch! I wasn't having a particularly good day today, it's just one of those days where you realise one of your good friends might not be one of your good friends anymore. But your video has really cheered me up so thank you for being your lovely self =]


you're kind of the best youtuber ever. I love how real you are with your viewers and how open you are about the way you live your life, without bearing all to the world or asking for sympathy. You are an inspiration, truly. Keep doing what you do!


You should definitely throw a party! We will get to chat with you live while everyone is snacking! That would be sooo fun and cozy!


YOU DEFINITELY NEED TO DO MORE OF THESE!! I love when you incorporate random recipes into your videos. You always have such unique ideas and outlooks on the food you put into your body and they are so easy too. CANADIAN GIRLS FOR THE WIN


You're such a pleasant little lady. <3 Loved this video! I'm feeling all inspired not to eat the entire shopping bag full of cakes and biscuits I just bought. Bahaha.


Your energy is beautiful, so contagious. I think both you and Terry are pretty awesome xx
I like how eclectic your channel is


You know, the very fact that you are not dogmatic and judgmental about your food choices while enjoying what you prepare and eat, makes your "What I Ate" videos even more amazing. What you choose to eat is sometimes totally different from what I choose to eat, but it's at the same time still totally cool to see what others (you) are doing! And I always love your vids. Keep them coming, I really appreciate your real-ness. :)


I love what you said about wanting a guy to be himself from the beginning with you and not overly being nice and trying so hard to impress you. I had the same mentality with my boyfriend and we've been together for a year and a half now (long time for me!) Love you Kassie. Forever my favorite youtuber. Wish I could meet you one day.


I find your videos so easy to watch. They are inspiring, yet down to earth, and not once have I ever wanted to click off part of the way through. Truly one of my all time favourite youtubers, thank you xx


I religiously eat bagels with avocados for lunch every day. Keeping them on the bagel is always a challenge. x)


I already binge watched all of Kassie's videos 7 times. Never get bored of them but I would love to see new videos :'0. Its been 6 months a.k.a half a year please Kassie😫😫😫😫

Edit: Wow it's been forever since I commented this, Kassie is straight thriving on Gloom :D


I appreciate this video so much and all the effort you put into all your videos. This was so chill, very little to no "extra" effects like random sound effects or choppy cuts. I like the straightforward-talking to the camera like you're just hanging with a friend :) keep them videos coming!! And I am really interested in trying these recipes! Much love from a New Yorker living in the Philippines ❤️


Kassie has changed so much over the years. Her voice, hair, earings, nails, makeup, clothes. Everything.


I love your videos! You and Terry are just so awesome; it's nice to see people who really are so down to Earth and realistic about the way they live. Also, I annoy the crap out of my friends when we eat together because I have the habit of sitting upside down. So if I CAN eat upside down, I WILL eat upside down. Which is why my friend Meagan strives to make foods that need to be eaten carefully, like the breakfast you made.


I sort of love watching Kassima eat things. There's such a primal joy on her face every time she takes a bite out of something good. It's adorable. <3


I was opening youtube and like "I wanna watch Cassie's videos" and then I saw that you posted a new one! Really happy that you update your channel very quick, good job Cassie🙈
Your food tips are amazing, definitely want to try out everything! Just because I love avocado, baked and crunchy potatoes and a tasty soup😍 thanks for the vid, you are so positive and thank you for inspiring others to do something new, and I actually love to sit on the floor and eat, don't know why😂 lots of love❤️
