Activision betrayed COD Mobile...😓

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Activision betrayed COD Mobile...😓

#CODM, #CODMobile, #CallofDutyMobile

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All CODM players should ignore WZM and see the results after that.


Mark my words, WZM will not come even close to the player base CODM has....


😢i was using alcatraz to rank up
(it had a lot of bots in fpp)


Alcatraz is an event map, plus it's BR so it's not the end of the world, but shoot house 😢


Let’s talk about how unnecessarily big these damn updates are getting💀😂


I loved that map I got 15 kills every match in ranked


Lets just rate warzone 1star and caption this

1star for removing Alcatraz in CODM.👍


Im a new codm player and i have become..lets say a solid player and by not knowing the og version of this game i can't say nothing but yeah im sad too..i mean codm is a great game and seeing this betrayal does not make feel good any codm player even if it is a new player.
I hope the alcatraz map gets back and i hope that the players get the freedom to play the game they want instead of removing maps to make players leave the game and play another game.
Games should be equal and every game should become better equaly without doing these nonsenses, removing maps etc.


Nahh, brothers don't get sad . Activition just removed them for temporary. Both Alcatraz and shoot house will return in the future very soon. As for now, have patience.


😂😂😂 I just uninstall call of Duty mobile
And download call of duty warzone mobile ❤❤❤


Tbh I hate cod mobile a little bit the problem is I like the game but I come back and then it gets to easy to simple that I’m like ok this is boring after like playing 4 to 8 matches


I will not play warzone mobile and meake warzone mobile have 0 players


Now we cant play whith our frends cus they left and same too who is next ?


They couldn't even come up with an idea to try and convince codm players into wzm they just forcing us


Alcatraz is temporary event, so it will come back after a while, no need to be so dramatic


All loyal call of duty mobile players stay to the end🫡🫡


Even though they deleted the two maps from codmobile I am never going to leave I will stand all alone 😞😭😭


Damn the Alcatraz map 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😔🥺😔🥺😔🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Bro my device can run WZM but i wont even play it the graphics is better but it will never replace the memories i had on codm


Good news Both shoot house And Alcatraz will both be coming back because this is not permanent.
