Glen Cinema disaster: Memorial to victims of ‘Black Hogmanay’ unveiled

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A permanent memorial to one of Scotland’s worst tragedies has been unveiled, 92 years on from the disaster that killed 71 children.

It became known as Paisley’s Black Hogmanay.

During a matinee showing at the Glen Cinema on December 31, 1929, smoke from a film canister filled the auditorium.

The thick black cloud caused panic and the hundreds of children in the audience rushed to the exits, many of those who died were crushed to death.
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It brings to mind the fable of “the emperor with no clothes”, I’m afraid that tale has a parallel with this crazy depiction of the glen cinema disaster, I say this because their have been admirers of this mad memorial to the boys and girls who lost their lives. Please remember that these children came from working class families and in a good many instances did not wear shoes (why did it not show a boy and girl poorly dressed) or was that too simple for the avante garde so called artists who perpetrated this monstrosity on the Paisley people(it looks like a baboon on the side view) This is a disgusting effigy and whosoever calls this beautiful needs their head examined.
