Lesson 7: Gustar, Encantar, Doler and Caer Bien/Mal

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My Favorite Spanish Book (Amazon Affiliate Link*)
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I grew up in a Spanish speaking house. My Mother and Father both spoke Spanish to each other but did not speak too much Spanish to us. They did not want us to have a hard time in school. I absorbed as much as I could but I am not fluent by any means, I took 2 years of Spanish in high school and 2 years in college. I think you are a great teacher and shouldn't stop. My parents grew up in New Mexico so the Spanish is a different accent and slower than in Mexico and Spain. Your accent and speed is perfect for learning is easy to understand and it is obvious by the other comments that it works. Thank you for taking the time to do this.


This is the best Spanish program hands down.


Funny how well I understand it, until it is my turn to translate the material, then not so easy. Great lesson, thanks for all you do!


I can't thank you enough for these. You are making an incredible difference to my Spanish journey and actually understanding the grammar. THANK YOU!


This is my second time watching this. I hope you decide to continue this series. You make the best videos and are a grand teacher. I sometimes stop a video and continue it later, just because a video isn’t watched all the way through at once doesn’t mean it isn’t liked or finished. Someday I’ll speak Spanish fluently, thank you for your lessons.


I've been trying to learn Spanish for about six years. It's not so easy. You have great lessons and drills. I missed seeing new lessons until recently. Thanks.


Thank you so much for putting these lessons out here for free :)
I come from a Puerto Rican family and a Italian family and never got to learn Spanish since my parents divorced in childhood. I have always been embarrassed when people told me I wasn’t a real Latina ( even though I was raised around alot of PR culture) if I didn’t know the language, but learning bit by bit has been helping me feel like I can claim my culture. The fact that you made this for native English speakers just hits different, thank you again!


I've been trying to learn Spanish, on and off for the last 40 years. I know hundreds of words but have never been able to put them to use conversationally. Your videos are the best and I have made more headway in one week than with all the books I've read. Thank you so much.


Ok…. So i never comment but i want do an amaze shout out to Qroo Paul…. I’m going to El Salvador in four months and just moved to west (gulf) Florida and figured i should learn some Spanish…. At 50+ i was already prepared it would be difícil! I’d been using an app (rhymes with suo-ringo) which is helpful in some ways but doesn’t explain the WHY words/phrases are structured the way they are…. WHOA! I love listening to Paul… not only helps answer the questions almost before we need the answer but his voice and calm demeanor is likely the most enjoyable and helpful videos on Spanish for adult learning I’ve come across…. Thank you Qroo Paul!


Estoy aprendiendo español con dos Pauls. “Spanish With Paul” es uno y Qroo Paul, quien ahora es un favorito. Los ambos están en YouTube con estilos de enseñar que son muy excelentes. Muchísimas gracias por todo lo que hacen. Me encantan tus videos.


I watch them a little at a time, or more than once, but I watched them all and learned a lot. It will be hard to find lessons as good as these. Thank you for providing the ones that you did. I have trouble writing, so I watch a few minutes and take notes, then when I can't write any more I pause for the day.


WOW! WOW AND WOW! Thank you Paul. This is the best Spanish language channel I've seen EVER. I've stepped in and out of Spanish language learning for many years. This is the first time I've felt I might have a hope of progressing past beginner level. I also really like the length of your lessons. I do a lot of driving and I find your lessons great to listen to on the road too. You're an excellent teacher. Please keep going with your channel and your format - it's perfect.


Thank you! You have a spellbinding presence - a rare gift!


Gracias por Lección siete. Me parece una buena idea etudiar espaňol con Qroo Paul.


QRPaul makes it good w the English corrrlation. Muchisimos gracias


These lessons are very worth while I get really tied up when there are complex sentences with multiple direct indirect & reflexive pronouns
I know the rules generally but have trouble with the order and correct translation
Please keep up the lessons I use them along with other YouTube channels & Duolingo to practice Spanish I can gene understanding written sentences but understanding native spoken Spanish and composing sentences are a challenge The Spanish sentence structure is difficult sometimes. Need a series on special phrases “En cuento de, hay que”, and different uses of quedar, tener, llevar, etc


No puedo decirte cuantas veces uno de tus vídeos me hizo decir, oh, asi es como funciona. Y este es uno de esos videos. Muchísimas gracias. Y sí, tuve que buscar algo de eso. Y todavía no estoy seguro de la puntuación. Pero solo voy a por ello. Sin miedo. Los errores son grandes profesores. Gracias de nuevo.


Thank you very much for putting stuff like this on here. It is really hard to learn some of these things without a teacher or from a perspective of Americanoblantes.


YIKES, I just realized there is NO #8.
It is 15 June and I started Lesson 1 on 09 June 2022 and took 17 pages of notes. 
I am sad to see this series end. They are so well done. I can’t imagine how many hundreds of hours you invested in making these. 
I know you have done lots of others and I will continue studying with you.
Thanks for all your Work.
