Is There Evidence Flossing Works?

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The truth about flossing teeth. You have probably been told your entire life to floss your teeth daily. That flossing is the staple of a healthy mouth. You have been told by dentists, family, and friends. But should you even be flossing your teeth? How often should you floss your teeth? The truth of the matter may surprise you on what flossing actually means in oral health.

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#flossing #prevention #oralhealth #naturalhealing #dentist

00:00 Introduction
00:54 Lack of Science
01:40 How To Floss
02:56 Affects on Oral Health
04:55 Infection Risks
06:12 Flossing Story
08:27 Is Flossing Appropriate
08:51 Flossing Alternatives
09:41 Bacteria Transmission
10:30 Message To Women/Gum Recession
12:43 Why I Was On The BBC World News
13:26 When To Floss
15:22 Research Studies
18:08 Next Research Study
20:38 3rd Research Study
22:03 Human Microbiome Project
24:49 Importance of Saliva

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I followed my dentist’s advice for many years and my gums continued to recede and my teeth always needed work. I started following Dr Ellie’s program and my teeth and gums are so much better. If you listen to one of her videos where she discusses flossing more in-depth, she shows you how to do it properly. If you do it wrong, you’re just pushing bacteria up into your gums. Makes sense.


I don’t know about “science” and stuff. But whenever I floss (and I floss every single day after 2 full minutes with electric tooth brush) there’s so much junk coming out between my teeth where the tooth brush simply can’t reach. So much. I can’t imagine what would happened if I just leave it there? Maybe not flossing worked for your individual teeth somehow. But I don’t think it’s a good advice for anyone to not floss.


I really dislike these snippets without the rest of the story.


What about use of Inter dental TePe brushes? Dentists and hygienists have been advising the use of these brushes to all the patients these days.


I'm still sceptic about no flossing because reasons already said, but also I'm guessing that will depend on diet, dental structure and the items you use to replace it.
I'm still waiting to try her method to have a better opinion


I have been following your system and I definitely see gum improvement, I cannot stop flossing as I get a lot of food stuck between my molars, front teeth are not an issue.


Hi Dr Ellie, would it be possible to link the original full length video in the description of these shorts? Thank you in advance 💕 NEVERMIND I see there is already a link to the longer video in the description.


Oil pulling and xylitol replace flossing


I have a tooth or a couple of places where a lot of food gets stuck


I've try not flossing for 4 weeks ended up having bleeding gums, something I never had before. Went back flossing it stopped. So what gives?


I have bridge work and have found that if I don't floss I end up with problems.


I didn’t floss and lost teeth. Started flossing and no cavities. And my teeth don’t shift, my dentist says that’s a good thing.


What about people with teeth close together who get meat or nuts stuck between their teeth? I have tried not flossing like you say but then when I tested out after brushing and rinsing there is still food in between teeth sometimes. I have gotten such terrible amounts of cavities the past few years despite doing everything my dentist said so I am terrified to not floss or use a dental stick at least. I am using your recommended toothpaste, brushes, rinses and gum now though.


I never flossed either for 40 years. No cavities, perfect teeth.
I brushed AM and then used mouthwash before social occasions.


So if you don’t floss how do you get the dead animal particles from in between your teeth out? Leave that meat in there and your breath will smell like a dead cat.


Anybody who flosses knows how important it is to your hygiene because we can see the actual gunk of food that the floss pulled out from between our gums and teeth.
